Archive for November, 2024

Comments Off on State Citizen, State National, Scam or Reality:

2. Private Freedom Consultant 3. Destination Freedom, 4. $4,400.00 class fee. Freedom is close to free if you have the right questions, and the right format to ask the questions. 5. I have been in this business of “status and standing” for over 25 years, and have not seen one fact evidence that such documentation […]

Click HERE for the video clip of how to buy products on PayPal. HOW TO PAY options – NOTE > Economical way to order is by the following pay apps, they charge 2.5% generally, Cash App, and Venmo. Just add up all the product numbers that you wish to order and add the amounts, and […]

Comments Off on Lone Star Rally, Traffic Citations, how to beat, money back guarantee:

Galveston Police make a killing off citations written to visitors, without evidence of authority.  [The below is information that government kills people for disseminating.]  Paul John Hansen, 451 Constellation Blvd, Apt 1006, League City , Texas [ near 77573 ] 251.362.8231 (Cell & Text)  Email us – ask for – gal/citation/package -25$. Easy pay by […]