Archive for the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ Category

Privately Held Deeds

Posted: 14th January 2014 by admin in Christendom State, Deeds, Kingdom of Heaven

Common Law – Privately Held  Deeds, ‘filed for record’. M1S-24, ‘Privately Held Deed’ common law, (5$) A deed that transferred the property from the county (state) jurisdiction into a privately land jurisdiction, thus taking it out of the property taxing class (type). With supporting brief/affidavit. Ask how we got billions of dollars of property of […]

[ The Depository of records location for this property is under construction. this page is to be considered valid notice of the jurisdictional status of the subject property (land) as found below. ] -Kingdom of Heaven Property Record –        NOTICE OF – Privately Held Deed.      and     < soon […]