Just spent an hour in a Nebraska County Court (Sarpy), The Officer could not produce fact evidence that the act took place “on” land that is a possession or territory “of” the United States. Trial is Set to Continue. I now understand that the “State” that the US Constitution with the USC calls a “State” […]
Archive for August, 2012
Officer Can Not Prove Land is “of” the United States.
Posted: 24th August 2012 by admin in Territorial jurisdictionComments Off on Officer Can Not Prove Land is “of” the United States.
Comments Off on Di-sin-formation that Government Relies Upon.
The biggest error in this clips discussing “There is no law that you must pay Federal Taxes” is that all requirement, if any, is entered into, or created, by contract between the United States and a willing, or more often uninformed, participant. If you have a contract with me to mow my yard and the […]