Archive for February, 2014

Verified Complaint, why are police and other officers reluctant to put a “verified” complaint in the official record (process) upon which the prosecutors can act upon for criminal prosecution. I believe the answer is: 1. No evidence of a type of activity that a statute regulates. 2. No evidence of territorial jurisdiction. 3. No officer […]

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See how a simple letter demanding an assessment from the IRS has keep them away for more than 25 years even though I was making 15K$ each month. The letter was created by a lawyer (ED SHELL), now deceased, who personally beat the IRS over 50 times. Click HERE to view the list of […]

Comments Off on US citizenship is dependent, not independent.

Federal citizenship is a municipal franchise domiciled in the District of Columbia.  Murphy v. Ramsey, 114 U.S. 15 (1885) (the political rights of federal citizens are franchises (dependent) which they hold as privileges (dependent) at the legislative discretion (dependent) of Congress). Independence does not lie in the US system, unlike what the US schools drill in us from K to the 12th […]

Comments Off on City Water Municipalities are mere corporations.

OVERVIEW: The attorney-general brought suit against the chief engineer for an alleged usurpation of the office after the chief engineer refused to vacate his post. The lower court found in favor of the attorney-general. On appeal, the chief engineer contended that the act of the legislature to establish a board of water commissioners was unconstitutional […]

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Proof that “City” is a business, and you are a party to that business by residency, and you are considered a resident because you use the name of that same “City” in you property deeds, even though you are not actually part of that city territorially, this they do not want you to Know.  [W]e […]

Comments Off on National Passport beats US citizen passport every time.

The below is a short clip on why a national status is far superior to a US Citizen status. <div> Application for a US Passport – NON-CITIZEN NATIONAL – a Free Mason Trap? Common Law Feudal Legal System of England came here after civil war (federal citizenship created for x-slaves) , Federal Reserve Act 1913 and […]