Comments Off on State Citizen, State National, Scam or Reality:
  1. Gonski, ((See Last Paragraph first.))

2. Private Freedom Consultant

3. Destination Freedom,

4. $4,400.00 class fee. Freedom is close to free if you have the right questions, and the right format to ask the questions.

5. I have been in this business of “status and standing” for over 25 years, and have not seen one fact evidence that such documentation is of anymore value than the following challenge:

6. Officer what evidence do you have that I am subject to the written law you are claiming applies to me, and what evidence do you have that it has force and effect of law in the land where you claim the violation, or need occurred?

7. I have heard of stories where people have allegedly been traveling 95 MPH in a 55 MPH zone, got pulled over, handcuffed, car was already loaded on the tow truck deck, and finally the officer yielded to the mans wish that the office look at his documents of ‘State National’ that was under a state governor’s apostille seal. And soon after the officer called it in was apologizing and let him go. Sounds like a perfect story to sell $4,400.00 classes.

8. An Apostille or an Authentication certifies the authenticity of the signature, seal and position of the official who has executed, issued or certified a copy of a public document. An Apostille or an Authentication enables a public document issued in one country to be recognized as valid in another country.

9. LAST PARAGRAPH, If you know of any stories where ‘state national’, or ‘state citizen’, was of any real value, please email me the information, we will pay for it if it is substantive. But as of now, I only see it as a scam to extract millions out of the naive patriot groups.

Send all info to:

Paul John Hansen,

238 South Egret Bay Blvd,

#155, League City , Texas [ near 77573 ]

251.362.8231 (Cell & Text)  /

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