Comments Off on Court of Record, the Superior court, Common Law, ‘the People’s court, Template:
  1. How to exercise right of ‘one of the People’.
  2. How to utilize the local courthouse, magistrates, and sheriffs, to proceed with a common law proceeding, in your land jurisdiction.
  3. How to get a judgment that can not be challenged, or altered, by a US statutory court jurisdiction.
  4. How to be subject to a jury of 12 men, all being of your piers, independent of the aiding magistrate.
  5. How to counterclaim foreign jurisdiction court rulings.
  6. Study this template, then formulate your own ‘complaint’, under right of man, with aid from people that have done more than 300 actions.
  7. This package cost 25$, identified as MS-112. Click on ‘SERVICES/PRODUCTS. ………’ at top of this site.

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