Dr Ed Rivera’s Class/Student Offer

Posted: 12th July 2011 by admin in Rivera Class
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The course shows you why Ed got dis-bared for winning his cases by simply challenging territorial jurisdiction in US Courts.

Ed Rivera’s Offer / Class, initially provided by Paul Hansen,

pauljjhansen.com,   freeinhabitant.info:

Ed Rivera is making an offer I trust will serve you well the remaining days of your life.

In addition to the totally free searchable Organic Laws of the United States of America, which are attached, Rivera is offering the materials of the $500 “Basic Course in Law and Government” with the down payment of just $50.  For one tenth of 1% of what Harvard Law School charges for one year, you will get a better legal education than Barack Hussein Obama got at Harvard. To get the same written materials that everyone else has had to pay many times for. Your first payment will be $50 to one of my recruiters, Paul Hansen, you only have to agree to pay the balance of $450, when you feel you have gotten your money’s worth and you feel you can afford the amount you decide to pay.

Here’s how it will work: within a month of receiving the first two Lessons you either make a payment of what you can afford or you tell me what the Course needs to make you a legal genius within a year.  I will try to correct the deficiency privately with you.  If you are not satisfied with my resolution of your claim, you may keep all the materials you have received and you owe no more than what you have paid.

You become an immediate Student just making the initial $50 payment.

Why is Ed Rivera making this offer?  The Course is already heavily discounted from its true worth, however, Ed’s Students can be counted by dozens. By making this offer, Dr. Rivera want to expand the Student body by hundreds and then thousands.

More information about Dr Rivera and the Course is attached in the Student Letter, Student Testimonials and Lessons Instructions.

I, Paul Hansen have two websites to promote sound principles of American Law, one being pauljjhansen.com currently visited by more than 4000 people daily, and a new site called  freeinhabitant.info.  The freeinhabitant.info site will have portions specifically available to paying students and will have extensive ongoing real life presentments of people all across the country who are taking Rivera’s teaching and effecting their communities and personal independence and freedoms.   As an introductory gift to all students they will receive the 45 minute PowerPoint Presentation entitled “Free Inhabitant One A” created by Paul Hansen.

Paul Hansen

NOTICE – 3-24-14 – Due to recent difficulties with Paypal send all payment by mailing money orders payable to Paul John Hansen, mailing address 1548 N 19, Omaha, NE 68110.

LESSONS INSTRUCTIONS, from instructor Dr Rivera

My Basic Course in Law and Government teaches that all government is severely limited when government by nobility is ended after Lord Cornwallis is defeated at Yorktown, but soon clever men led by George Washington abound to fill the void with written laws, military governments and government men.

This Course is different from all other courses or training in law, because it is not based on the assumption that the Constitution of the United States replaced, repealed or superseded the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777.  All four Organic Laws of the United States of America are viable and necessary to a correct understanding of the territorial limitations of the 50 Titles of the United States Code.

The Course is taught entirely online, so there is no reason why the entire Course cannot be read in a few hours.  Complete comprehension of the Course materials may take many years, but even the most inexperienced Student will quickly be able to find and understand the critical parts of the Organic Laws, which prove the lawmaking and taxation power of Congress to be limited to the territory owned by the United States of America.   We are experiencing the last days of an out of control government based on a military government model, if we cannot prove convincingly that George Washington led a military coup, under cover of  the Constitution of September 17, 1787, we may be stuck with bad government for another 200 years.

The Lessons are for the exclusive use of the Students and are not to be reproduced or distributed in any way.  The Posts on my website may be reproduced and distributed.

The First Lesson: Coloring the Presidents in the Constitution

The First Lesson will teach you to separate the different Offices of President between the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777 and Constitution of the United States.  The Constitution of September 17, 1787 is both a temporary revision of the Articles of Confederation and a permanent alteration of the Articles of Confederation over a period of several months.  The temporary revision of the Articles occurs when the first nine States ratify the Constitution of September 17, 1787.  Nine States alone can elect “a President of the United States of America” and the first Senators, who cannot qualify as Senators under the Constitution of September 17, 1787.  The new Senators will replace the Delegates of the United States in Congress assembled, but they will not qualify as Senators under the Constitution of September 17, 1787.  The replacement of the Delegates with the State’s newly chosen Senators was the only replacement that occurred.  The Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777 were not replaced when the first nine States ratified the Constitution of September 17, 1787.   Replacement of the Articles of Confederation by the Constitution of the United States did not occur when the ratification by Rhode Island made the revisions a permanent alteration of the Articles of Confederation.

The Second Lesson: George Washington Jailer and Tax Collector

The Second Lesson, George Washington Jailer and Tax Collector, teaches how Washington put the Office of President of the United States of America and Office of President of the United States together to create the so-called Leader of the Free World.  After George Washington joined the power of the State with the force of the government, he insisted: “Just call me Mr. President.”  Hitler joined two of the same kind of Offices, required that a personal oath be taken to him and that he be called the “Fuehrer.” Adolf Hitler started World War II 150 years after George Washington swore his oral oath, to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution of the United States.


The purpose of this Course is to open the eyes of the Student to the facts expressed by the written word and unvarnished history.  I invite the Student to question every proposition I present and to doubt every   conclusion I make until all possible alternatives are eliminated, leaving only the truth.


The Posts on my website constitute Lesson three.  Every Post must be read and understood by the Basic Course in Law and Government Student

Lesson Four, the Statute Laws passed and enacted during the first four Congresses show how George Washington took control using written law.  Hitler followed Washington’s example with the Nuremburg Laws.  George Washington wasn’t a monster, but he made it possible for minor and major monsters to use government against the people.  You will learn that the Constitution of September 17, 1787 was established by the first nine States to ratify that Constitution, but the Constitution was never “Adopted,” so the Constitution of the United States is no more than legislation passed by the States to administer the territory belonging to the Confederacy, the United States of America.

You will get another 200 hundred pages of the rest of the laws enacted during George Washington’s two terms.  I use all these laws to prove federal laws have from the beginning been limited the federal territory, the United States.  The Posts and future Lessons will refer to specific laws in these pages.   For the present, be familiar with the first 75 pages and all the Posts.

Tell me what you think after reading the Lessons and looking at the laws.

Ed                        edrivera.com
Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.

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