Client Notice

Posted: 3rd July 2017 by admin in Facebook
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NOTICE: If you have paid for services that are highly technical and of the type that may not be implemented for several years as strategies are assembled and evaluated. Such is done so that when implemented you will get the most for your money. I have recently worked with the highest level legal minds in the nation who are constantly attempting to construct strategies to stop the expansion of ‘statism’ and its ever expanding deprivation of clearly defined God given rights. So if you are such a person please contact us no less than every six months to inquire as to progress. Due to computer hacking, and record complications, your purchased service needs may have become mistakenly, unnoticed presently.

NOTICE: Paul John Hansen never puts himself out as an ‘association’ BAR member, or acting attorney. And the use of the term ‘lawyer’* is only to communicate (Hansen’s) chosen profession (<CLICK), as the right of man, independent of any state, legal entities, or associations, as stated. Paul John Hansen does not wish to do business in land of any United States Jurisdiction.

(*lawyer, lauier, lawer, lawere (mid-14c. as a surname), -one versed in law, one whose profession is suits in court, or client advice on legal rights, having no association with any activity with license, or professional associations’.)

If the term attorney, or lawyer, appears in this site, or any web site used by Hansen, that alludes to any licensed activity it has been placed there by hackers, and Hansen asks that such be noticed to him so it can be corrected immediately.

                                                                                                                   Paul John Hansen

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