When carrying private property (guns) as passing upon common ways (open roads / walk ways) and stopped by a state (territorially limited jurisdictional ) officer, one can not:
Provide a “residential” address that identifies with the United States (State of ______). All “residents” must have a license at all times.
Make a statement of being in any “county”. “County” is defended in the US as a possession or territory of the US.
Make a statement of being in any “state”. “State” is defended in the US as a possession or territory of the US.
Make a statement of being in any “Federal Zone” (ZIP CODE). “Fed. Zone” is defended in the US as a possession or territory of the US.
Make a statement of being in any “city” (chartered entity). “City” is defended in the US as a possession or territory of the US.
Make a statement of being in the “US”. “US”, “USA” is defended in the US as a possession or territory of the US.
Make a statement of having a state “driver”, “hunting” license. Only US subjects can have state license.
Make a statement of being a “citizen”. “Citizen” is defended in the US as a subject of the US.
Make a statement of being associated with a state “birth certificate”. “State Certificates” only apply to subjects of the US.
Make a statement of being a “registered voter”. In the US one can only be a “registered voter” if one is a resident.
Make a statement of having a “marriage license” (state license). Only state license can apply to state persons / subjects.
Make a statement of being a “Defendant” in a state court action. “Defendant” is defended in the US as a state person.
State I.D., need I say more.
There are many more, the way I win is by saying “nothing”.
You can not be a subject of the US (subject to US courts) and a free independent man (independent of the US system) at the same time, it is impossible.
I have been in court as I challenged what the plaintiff had as evidence of personal jurisdiction over me to make me subject to this US court.
The prosecutor asked me twenty questions, much like the above, to which I answered, under oath, “not that I am aware of”.
The prosecutor was getting no where because he needed me to give evidence of past / present consent to the courts jurisdiction.
The judge said; “Mr Prosecutor you have not provided any evidence of personal jurisdiction over Mr. Hansen.”
For further counsel contact me at pauljjhansen@hotmail.com. (25$ per hour)
Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.