INTRO: (Click on the COLORED below for link access.)
-, a general compilation of primarily law information, with the main goal is to instruction how to live unrestrained by the tyrannical UNITED STATS, and its states.
-, much the same as the above, more geared to providing specific instructions in warding off various state intervention.
- Paul Sever Briefing, Facebook, is a periodical posting of concise law brief points, with links to expanded information. Recommended for the serious-minded patriot. This facebook page is only for postings and not for reciprocal face-booking.
- – A list of all ‘Paul Sever Briefing’ posts, in chronological order, with searchable category capacity.
- Paul John Hansen, Facebook, Hansen’s general Facebook page.
- is a site, managed by Hansen, that allows for users, like you, to post info associated with any freedom movement for only pennies per month.