Comments Off on Land Ownership Record, Private Filing For Record for Public Notice

Land Ownership Record, Private Filing For Public Record. (Not a contract.)          


1606 Corby, *City of Omaha, *Douglas, *Nebraska            > DEED
Owner Prior to 7/21/2016 Paul John Hansen, a man.
Conveyed by Deed on 7/21/2016 to Dominion Won, a church ministerial trust, office mailing location at 16910 – 59th Avenue NE, Suite 210 Arlington, Washington.
The subject land is described as: Millard & Caldwell’s, LOT 20, East 50 foot, West 100 foot, Lot size 50′ x 86.625′ as .0994 acer, as surveyed, filed for record in Douglas County Registry of Deeds, Nebraska, land not evidenced as being of the United States.


3704 HAWTHORNE AVE., *City of Omaha, *Douglas, *Nebraska            > DEED
Owner Prior to ?/??/2016 Paul John Hansen, a man.
Conveyed by Deed on ?/21/2016 to Dominion Won, a church ministerial trust, office mailing location at 16910 – 59th Avenue NE, Suite 210 Arlington, Washington.
The subject land is described as: RESERVOIR SUB DIV LOT 49 BLOCK A S 138 FT LT 48 & W 4 S 140 FT LT 49 4 X 140-50 X 138, or 140.5 x 138 = .4451 acer, as surveyed, filed for record in Douglas County Registry of Deeds, Nebraska, land not evidenced as being of the United States. (Mailing location as – 3704 HAWTHORNE AV. Omaha, Nebraska, without the United States.)

Comments Off on CITY OF OMAHA, Chief of Police, Todd Schmaderer, Refuses to Answer.

Todd Schmaderer, a man,
505 S 15
OMAHA, NE 68102
Emailed >

City of Omaha Chief of Police Todd Schmaderer refuses to answer my basic question of where a record is keep where the CITY OF OMAHA took my perfectly good automobile off of my property and apparently sold it at one of their actions. He refuses to answer my mailing, and my request by email, he just simply said he does not see what my question is. And acts like he does not have the answer, or knows where to send me. If need be I’ll summons him into a small claims court of record court and force him to answer. That CITY OF OMAHA Impound also refuses to respond (

See Letters that have been mailed several times > “LETTER

BEST of the Best, Clips, Speeches, etc.

Posted: 27th June 2016 by admin in Best of the Best
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BEST of the Best, clips, speeches, etc. selected this month by Paul John Hansen.

Informative material that I believe stands out and is considered quality material to listen to at your leisure.

If you are interested in being noticed by email of a posting on here by title with brief description of content just email me and say add me to “Best of the Best”, and I’ll notice you when a new topic is added. You can email me to have your name removed at anytime. I’ll only likely post one a month at best.

  1. Loaded 7-30-2016 – ‘Tools of Dominion‘,       PDF                    (1287 pages) [dbox]        Gary North’s Tools of Dominion: The Case Laws of Exodus is perhaps one of the most important books ever to be written during the 20th century. Like Rushdoony’s Magnum Opus, The Institutes of Biblical Law, Tools of Dominion is a work focusing its commentary on the long neglected aspect of scriptural cause and effect otherwise known as casuistry. Tools of Dominion seeks to provide the reader with a thorough understanding and explanation of economics according to scriptural axioms found in the Old Testament case laws. North says that there is a direct correlation between what a society experiences in terms of social, economic and cultural decline and when it behaves in disobedience to God’s declared laws as enunciated in the Old Covenant. Likewise he posits the truth that the positive sanctions of the covenant are also in effect. Thus, nations are blessed socially, economically and culturally when it obeys God’s Laws.Following the form and thinking of previous free market scholars, Von Mises, Hayek, Friedman, etc. North outlines their economic outlines to construct a biblically based free enterprise alternative. North establishes the idea, with a plethora of Scriptural evidence I might add, that economics is not a neutral discipline devoid of divine epistemological presuppositions. On the contrary, given that everything under the sun is created by God, North contends, so too is economics. The discipline itself comes from the mind of God and thus its assumptions concerning value, trade, human interaction, etc. Hence, North makes pertinent queries to help us answer the questions that economics seeks to answer. For example, why is gold valued all over the world? Why does gold have value? Who imputed value to gold and why is that authority to be trusted?



Comments Off on Counsel Contract, Agreement. Safe from practicing without a license.

M1S-45– Counsel Contract, Agreement. Safe from practicing without a license. ($2.50)     Click > “HERE” to order.

A contract that stops US judges from interfering with your right to counsel (none bar attorney counsel).

How you can use this document to have me, or others, join your court proceedings, in person (seated right beside you), or telephonically, without fear of anyone being challenged as to “practicing law without a license”.

They hate it when you have ready access to knowledgable counsel.

Counsel is a right due to all Americans, as evidenced in the “Bill of Rights”. Rights can not be denied without the court losing subject matter jurisdiction.

Such rights are ‘not‘ afforded to US citizens, seek counsel time with me for this complicated determination.

In 2015 I was in Federal Court and demanded this right, denied, and my Federal Prosecutor leaned over and said (whispered); “you may have just won your case”. The major part of the case was won, the first win in the Federal Northern District in 10 years. They dismissed the case the day before the trial.


Comments Off on Notice Upon New State Governor, Requesting right to travel travel papers.


Pete Ricketts

State of Nebraska Governor

Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 94848
Lincoln, NE 68509-4848

Mailed June 13, 2016   (□ mailing affidavit attached)



Paul John Hansen

1548 N 19th Street,

Omaha, Nebraska 68110,

without the United States.


RE: Notice to Governor, Pete Ricketts, of the State of Nebraska of ongoing violations of my right to travel on the open passageways of Nebraska.


Attached, EXHIBIT “RL1”, you will see a letter evidenced (video recorded) as being mailed to you, no response has been received from your office as of this letter.


As Governor of the State of Nebraska I must inform you that the acts that you have allowed your agents, as they are operating on the land called Nebraska, have consistently violated my rights as a man. Specifically, my right to pass upon the open highways of Nebraska, in a not “for hire” capacity. To my knowledge, I never travel on land that is owned by the “State” of Nebraska, or more accurately land owned by “The United States of America” within the exterior boundaries of Nebraska.


As I pass over these open roads, as not “for hire”, I have been harassed by agents that claim to be officially operating under your employment. These agents claim that they have instructions to regulate my travel by imposing Nebraska Legislative written law from what they call the Motor Vehicles written laws found in the said Legislatures depository of written law upon my activity, my automobile, and me personally.


These same agents, City of Omaha Police Officers, Nebraska State Patrol, Douglas County Sheriff, Sarpy County Sheriff, and others, demand that I must have the following to travel in my not “for hire” capacity:

  1. That I must have a State of Nebraska Operators License,
  2. That I must have proof of liability insurance for my automobile,
  3. That my automobile must be registered and have current state plates.


I am regularly harassed by your agents. They have written citations and delivered me for prosecution by county prosecutors in United States courts called county courts. They have towed my automobiles, fined me, arrested me, and imprisoned me, all under the false pretense of regulation under the State of Nebraska Motor Vehicle legislative bills.


I have duly noticed the said prosecutors and the courts, by certified copies, in open courts of record, as judicial notice, as offered exhibit, of the following:

Motor Vehicles

Chapter 129

5388o Sec. 150 [Municipal ordinances.]

(House Role No. 146)

[Introduced by Mr. Hand]

A Bill – FOR AN ACT requiring registration of motor vehicles and regulating their use or operation upon the highways or streets.

Laws of Nebraska of 1905

**Specific attention to – 5388o Sec. 150 [Municipal ordinances.]


As you will see that the Motor Vehicles laws have a subject clearly embodied in the bill, that is “for hire”. Being that the State of Nebraska state Constitution clearly limits each bill to be of a ***“single subject”, therefore to have the Motor Vehicles law to apply there must be an activity of “for hire” as to all application of the titled Motor Vehicle law.


Your perpetual allowance to such harassment, deprivation of rights, false arrest, false prosecution, false imprisonment, extortion, can only be done in your private capacity, for the written law dose not authorize such regulation upon ones acts evidenced as not “for hire”.




Contact Sarpy County, and Douglas County, prosecutors immediately and inform them of their misapplication of the Motor Vehicles written laws as associated to State of Nebraska v. Paul John Hansen past cases.

Ledger of Damages are 100 US Dollars each day my right to travel has been deprived, this I’ll ask a common law jury to award if need be.


Right to travel is not to be regulated except by common law principals.


___________________   Paul John Hansen


**5388o Sec. 150 [Municipal ordinances.] Cities and towns shall have no power to pass, in force or maintain any ordinance, rule or regulation requiring of any owner or operator of a motor vehicle any license or permit to use the public highways or exclude or prohibit any motor vehicle whose owner has complied with section two (2) or section four (4) of this act from the free use of such highways, and all such ordinances, rules or regulations now in force, are hereby declared to be of no validity or effect: provided that nothing in this act shall be construed as limiting the power of local authorities to make and force and maintain an ordinance, rule or regulations, in addition to the provisions of this act, affecting motor vehicles which are offered to the public for hire. [I.d., § 11.]



–Proof of Service / Notice, Aided administrative by Notary Public–


This Affidavit is submitted for the record as facts that are currently known by _________________________________, a Notary Public, and are directly related to the attached Certified Mailing with Return Receipt US Postal Service mailing, as preformed on __-__-2016, to the below listed addressed individual.

  1. Affiant shall hereinafter mean ____________________________.
  2. That Affiant is acting as a Notary Public for evidence of service / notice / administratively, with the attached documents, process, notice, presentment.
  3. That the attached mailing contents were mailed to the following:   Pete Ricketts Office of the Governor, P.O. Box 94848   Lincoln, NE 68509-4848.

Registered Mailing No. _________________________________________ on __-__ -2016.

  1. That Affiant loaded the above listed addressed envelope with all original ink signed documents, as hereto attached, and then Affiant sealed the envelope and delivered the same to the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE for mailing, with post paid for mailing on the date of __-__-2016.
  2. That Affiant / Notary entered in his Register Log Book what was sealed / mailed, as __-__-2016 (__) total individual pages, (EXHIBIT “____” as __ pages) in the said Certified Mailing envelope, with mailing reference numbers, exact copy retained.

5a. That the contents of mailing where: _____________________________________________.

  1. Total mailings are as followed: a. __ page NOTICE, time stamped by the court on the date of __-__-2016. b. __ page NOTICE in affidavit form. c. __ page this Mailing Affidavit, as signed.

I, ___________________________ declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing Affidavit is true and correct. Executed on __ day of the __ month of 2016. Jurat: As sworn to before the below signed Notary this __ day of __ month, 2016, Oath: I, __________________________, solemnly swear that the contents of the above mailing Affidavit subscribed is correct and true.



Mailing Affiant – ______________________

State of ______________

County of __________________

Personally appeared before me the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, ____________________________, with valid identification, and/or personally known to me, who first being duly sworn, deposes and says that the forgoing, __ page, instrument was subscribed and sworn before me, this __ day of __ Month 2013.

___________________________ Notary



□ Original is retained fully signed by ________________________, in ink, and said signature was fully verified by notary signature with notary seal. □ Green Card Retained.


***State of Nebraska Constitution 1875- III-14. Bills and resolutions read by title; printing; vote for final passage; bills to contain one subject; amended section to be set forth; signing of bills.

Every bill and resolution shall be read by title when introduced, and a printed copy thereof provided for the use of each member. The bill and all amendments thereto shall be printed and presented before the vote is taken upon its final passage and shall be read at large unless three-fifths of all the members elected to the Legislature vote not to read the bill and all amendments at large. No vote upon the final passage of any bill shall be taken until five legislative days after its introduction nor until it has been on file for final reading and passage for at least one legislative day. No bill shall contain more than one subject, and the subject shall be clearly expressed in the title. No law shall be amended unless the new act contains the section or sections as amended and the section or sections so amended shall be repealed. The Lieutenant Governor, or the Speaker if acting as presiding officer, shall sign, in the presence of the Legislature while it is in session and capable of transacting business, all bills and resolutions passed by the Legislature.




Emailed the same to Pete Ricketts on 6/13/2016 at 4:30pm. Email as evidence of communication. No email response indicates that the email failed.


NOTICE – If I do not get a written response in the next 7 days I will commence a common law claim for damages before a jury of 12 men.

I require a document with your seal as evidence to present to any agent of the State of Nebraska to assure of the above evidenced “right of travel”.


Comments Off on NOTICE – Automobile towed without authorization.

Registered Agent and Office Address
Paul D. Kratz
OMAHA, NE 68183

Todd Schmaderer, a man,
505 S 15
OMAHA, NE 68102
Emailed >

Omaha Police Department
7809 F Street
Omaha, NE 68127
Telephone: (402) 444-5782
Fax: (402) 444-4988

Paul John Hansen, a man
2715 S 44 St.
Omaha, Nebraska [68110],
without the United States.

Re: Automobile towed without authorization:

On or about the dates between October 23, 2014 and October 31, 2014 my car was towed from the drive way of my house with a mailing location of 1548 N 19th Street (or 1548 Florence Boulevard).
There is no evidence that the said location of the parked car was on land owned by the CITY OF OMAHA, DOUGLAS COUNTY, STATE OF NEBRASKA, or the UNITED STATES.
There is no evidence that the towed car was owned by CITY OF OMAHA, DOUGLAS COUNTY, STATE OF NEBRASKA, or the UNITED STATES.
There is no evidence that the towed car was registered, or included in any contract, with the CITY OF OMAHA, DOUGLAS COUNTY, STATE OF NEBRASKA, or the UNITED STATES.
There is no evidence that I, the signed, as owner, gave permission to any person to tow the subject car.
There is no evidence that a court order,warrant,or judgment, exists that gives instruction to tow the subject car.
There is no evidence that the territorial jurisdiction is not of a common law court of record (community convened court,non-state legislative court.) Said court shall determine the law, facts, and damages, and the judgment is independent of the United States Courts.
The 7th Amendment states: ‘In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall
exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury,
shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of
the common law.’
There is no evidence that the value of the car is less than “twenty dollars” as a dollar was defined in the year of 1791.
There is no evidence that no other man owned the subject car other than Paul John Hansen,the signed.
The owner of the subject car was clearly made know by the “Notice” on the plate, and by the documents laying on the dash of the car when towed, directing all to see “owner of record”:
004. Year- 1995, Make Ford, Model Taurus GL/SE, Color- White, Chassis Number 1FALP52U4SG241419.  Previous Owner- JEFF WALLICK / BARBARA A WALLICK, RR2 BOX 280, OSMOND, NE 68765. NOTICE – Collateral lien for three and one-half troy ounce of gold,  number 1-17-14-714-8940-a. Owner is a man called Paul John Hansen 1548 N 19, Omaha, Nebraska an address without the United States, being not a resident of the United States, of ecclesiastical jurisdiction. For use not associated with hauling cargo or persons ‘for hire’, not owned by the United States or any state thereof., 402-957-2853.

The plate on the car at the time of the tow was, in one inch letter, as follows:
–Private Household Good,
–Non-Commercial Use,
–Not For Hire.
402-957-2853 Paul John Hansen

The value of the car was equivalent to 1.666 ounces of gold (@1200$/oz) ($2000.00) at the time of the tow.
The value of the use of the car was .0083 ounces (10$) of gold per day.
The total damages caused by the man called Todd Schmadereris as follows:
a. Car value – 1.666 ounces of gold. > -$2,000.00
b. Loss of use value based on the above times 567 days (Oct 31, 2014 to May 20, 2016). -$5,670.00

My claim herein is against the man called Todd Schmaderer.

The, subject car, automobile, was a:
Year -1995
Color -White
Model -Ford
Type -Taurus
Chassis Number – 1FALP52U4SG241419

I need the following from Todd Schmaderer for my claim:
Tow records of the incident.
Mans name that allegedly ticketed the car for tow.
Mans name that ordered the taking of my car.
Copy of any citation associated?
What day was it towed?
Who towed the car?
What happened to the car?
Where is my property (car) now?
Who is responsible for keeping records of all cars towed for the CITY OF OMAHA.
Communication from Todd Schmaderer within three (3) days that he will answer this claim within thirty (30) days from the date he received it.
This document was emailed to> for service upon Todd Schmaderer. (Sending Computer Screen Shot retained.)

5-17-2016 _Paul John Hansen_________________,
Paul John Hansen

cc: Retained by two mailing witnesses #4563, and #6844,mailing letter and content video recorded mailing,and emailing ‘Screen Shot’. [Dropbox file – “Taurus Tow 2014”.]

Common law ‘court of record’ defined – Due Process by a Court of Right, No US Judge, only referee, 12 Jurors (no US citizens), no representative licensed attorney participation, only counsel. Wrongdoer must appear, or suffer default judgment, 🙂 me, 🙁 you.

Emailed 10:00 am 5/17/2016 to Todd Schmaderer Office.

[[ 6-13-2015, 26 days later – Todd Schmaderer did acknowledge that he got my email but he has presently refused to give any answer to any question asked in this letter. I will start may common law court action for damages in a week if he does not respond to determine a fair settlement.]]


Automobile Tow Issue

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Comments Off on Are you eager to say you are “in” the United States REpublic?

Are you eager to say you are “in” the United States REpublic?                                                                                              ‘republic 786’

Defined: ‘RE public’ = you consent to be RE-presented in a body politic (association), a choice to be independent dependent of on others.

The Declaration of Independence 1776 created separation from a monarchy (King Rule).
Once separated, how where the people governed?
The answer, though not commonly known, is ‘common law’.
Common law is simply a fair, biblical trial, of “your” community.
Life was simple, one could do as he wished as long as he did not violate the right of another man, and when a violation was claimed by a man six to twelve men (common law jury) decided the legitimacy of that claim and ordered remedy.
Then came the offer of a ‘republic’ form of government.
So what happens to ‘independence’?
Did it change, did it disappear?
The answer is no. Only you can consent to change.
By contracting with the ‘republic’ government.
Apart from contract you are independent, with contract you have ‘limited’ association obligations.
Now if you are in a US court and they show evidence of ‘association’ (contract) with the US government, the court now has evidence of personal jurisdiction, and they proceed to destroy you.
US courts have taken on demonic practices, you are highly unlikely to get justice in such a court.
Solution is? Stay independent. Force them to prove association (contract, consent).
If they can not, they have no jurisdiction to proceed, and they must shift to a common law court which they (US agents) seldom win in.
US courts insure US progress, US progress is “statism”, statism is the opposite of independence.
Americans safety is in God, God in not allowed in US courts, God is the foundation of common law courts.

For a man to use a “tool” we call “a republic” to manage entities is one thing, such use is far different than a man consenting to be governed by “a republic”. The government communicated to me that registering to vote is seeking governance.

So the next time you associate yourself with “the REpublic” you may be assuring a loss of the “Independence” you really hope for.

My services provided “HERE” help assure “independence”.

Paul John Hansen 4-2016

‘PaulSevere’ Twitterer User is only for association with topics found in the main them of this site, “Independence”.
If you wish to be tweeted when I put a substantive new page up just click HERE > and join my twitterer world.

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System. Counsel time and a vast array of briefs, motions, case law, legal challenges, etc.

Comments Off on Protected: How To mail, ‘First Class’, and ‘Certified’, USPS, anywhere in America for 3 cents, “every” time. M1Sp-38, 3$.

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“Resident”, very bad label.

Posted: 5th April 2016 by admin in Resident
Comments Off on “Resident”, very bad label.

“Resident”, very bad label.

The term seems un-threatening, not even close to what the word “subject” would impress, yet it is the same.

When you are asked if you are a resident when in a US form they are asking are you one of our subjects.

Guess what only a “resident” can get a “state” license.

They can only license their people.

Being independent of them gives you full latitude to do that which harms no one, or no one’s property.

Cross the land unregulated.

They must prove you are a resident so keep in control.

Only respond to such questions with questions as- “do you have any evidence in your possession that I am a resident”?

MORE on Resident “in the state”. Click Resident.