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IRS agent say this man not required to ever use his SS number for identification.

IRS says in the document – “he has the right to not want to use this SSN for any purpose or reason.”


I, Paul Hansen, personally will be seeking this same document from the IRS office, when I het it I’ll post it here also. Today’s date is 3/19/2016.

Show this to every bank, or any person that “claims” they require a SSN.


The “Taco Bell” Case

Date: October 26, 1997 
Subject: Taco Bell Employment Application 
Social Security number optional?

This evening I spoke with Mr. Arthur Thomas, whose son’s encounter with Taco Bell in 1993 resulted in an out of court settlement in favor of the young Thomas as well as a Taco Bell employment application with a box stating “Social Security Number(optional)“. As I have heard all manner of reports and speculations regarding the Taco Bell situation, I will first briefly clear up the basic facts of this matter, as reported to me by Arthur Thomas.

Mr. Thomas’ son applied for a job with Taco Bell in 1993 and was told he could not be hired without supplying a Social Security number. Arthur Thomas put together some paperwork which informed Taco Bell of the pertinent law on the subject and provided the company with a copy of the EEOC case against Information Systems Consulting of Texas.

[In 1992, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) filed an action in U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division (CA3-92-0169-T) against Information Systems Consulting (I.S.C.) for firing Bruce Hanson (an employee) on 8-15-89 solely because he would not provide the company with a SSN that he did not have due to his religious beliefs.]

It is important to note that a court case was never filed by the Thomases. Taco Bell entered into a settlement agreement with the the young Mr. Thomas prior to the filing of any legal action and “settled amicably for money [the amount young Thomas would have earned working for Taco Bell during that summer] and an offer of employment on condition he would agree not to sue.”

It is true that Taco Bell, subsequent to this matter, did change its employment application to show the Social Security number as “optional”; however, according to Mr. Thomas, the “offer of employment” made by Taco Bell in its agreement with his son did not indicate that they would hire him without a Social Security number. After the settlement, young Thomas did not pursue employment with Taco Bell or further challenge the Social Security number issue, choosing instead to go on a mission for his church.

Further, according to Arthur Thomas, Taco Bell’s stated policy through its current parent company, Pepsico (a multi-national corporation), is to not hire anyone without a Social Security number, as a “political issue consideration” — this in spite of their job application which says “Social Security Number (optional)”.

Apparently this policy has been voiced by employment office personnel, but Arthur Thomas has not actually seen the policy in writing; to his knowledge, no one since his son’s case has challenged Taco Bell (Pepsico) on this policy.

A complete account of the Taco Bell matter is available in book form, “Getting Hired Without a Social Security Number” (a two inch thick three ring binder, eight chapters, including the complete EEOC case mentioned above), from Hilltop Corp., P.O. Box 82, Milford, Ohio 45150 ($35 price includes shipping).

Now, the unexpected news. Arthur Thomas informed me of a company known as “Personnel Supply Co.” which over the past two years has been successful in getting people jobs without the need for them to have or provide Social Security numbers. The company is based off-shore, hires people on a contract basis, and then contracts for services with your company of choice. Of course, not all companies are willing to hire on a contract basis, but Arthur Thomas reports that Hilltop Corp. provides several pages of legal and financial information which have proven highly effective in persuading companies of the significant advantages of contracted services.

Information about “Personnel Supply Co.” may be obtained by contacting Arthur Thomas, c/o Hilltop Corp., P.O. Box 82, Milford, Ohio 45150. I have only Arthur Thomas’ representations about “Personnel Supply Co.” There are fees involved with their services.

As with any other information or services offered by anyone or any organization, I encourage those who may be interested to investigate fully, make every attempt to get unbiased references, and take care to thoroughly research all laws which may relate to actions you are considering.

Author unknown.


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Thomas Jefferson, in the Kentucky Resolutions, 1798:

… “the Constitution of the United States, having delegated to Congress a power to punish treason, counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States, piracies, and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations, and no other crimes whatsoever;”

Jefferson first elected president in 1800 having two terms in office (1801-1809). Now one would think that this participating founding father, greatly involved in creating the US Constitution, would know the intent of its limited jurisdiction. The above is true today as it was in 1789, all the additional “force” that the US “purports” as having authority to do today can only amount to “contract”, so learn not to contract with the UNITED STATES. A forced contract is no contract, but rather slavery, to which is prohibited in America and by Gods law. Now remember the US constitution is for US “persons”, acts done on US “owned” land, and is US law, all the people and non-US land (private property) is governed by your community by common law courts of record (12 God fearing neighbors). The US agents think is a myth until you show them the written law. Order my Territorial Jurisdiction PowerPoint to learn the truth.

Recently I noticed a head federal prosecutor of this fact and she resigned one day before my court appearance, that being the fourth prosecutor in four (4) years.


Posted: 7th March 2016 by admin in Testimonials
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State “Registration” is State Confiscation.

Posted: 14th October 2014 by admin in Registration

“Registration” comes from Latin “rex, regis” etc. meaning regal.

So think about what occurs to whatever you ‘register’ – you hand legal title over to the Crown. When you register anything with the public, it releases legal title to the government corporation and leaves you with only equitable title – the right to use, not own, and for that use you will pay a ‘use’ tax which is every tax, be it income, sin, sales, property, etc. as opposed to lawful taxes – excise and impost. So that it doesn’t appear that the government now owns the property which you have registered they put it in a name which so much resembles your own that you won’t suspect it, however, the NAME is owned by the government. If you choose rather to record your legal title to your property with the public, you maintain your status as Title Owner. This is one of the most important things you can ever learn for the sake of your commercial affairs. –Mary Elizabeth: Croft


I (Hansen) only agree in part to Mary’s argument yet this can be overcome by a ‘court of record’ trial by jury’, common law challenge hearing. They say they have a legal interest in the property when it is registered, I believe it is not ownership but possibly a contract relationship foremost.

Comments Off on Three years, no plates, police refuse to tow, WHY?

I, Paul John Hansen, also have been parked for 2 years and they refuse to tow with a similar plate / notice. They use to tow me all the time, then I gave them legal notice and it all stopped. 2014.


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IRS Auditor reveals notice tool to show as a non-taxpayer status.

1. Easy Steps to notice any employer that you are not a “US taxpayer participant”.

2. How to stop the IRS from inquiring into your private life.

3. The US government cannot approach you for business, they must wait for you to seek services or benefits.

4. This man has not filed anything other than W2 and W4, with past employers, from 1988 to 2014 with not a single inquirey from the IRS.

5. No need to resend any SS number.

6. This man had a family member, his mom, that was an IRS head auditor for 16 years, she instructed her son how to fill out a W2 and W4 forms to notice the IRS/US Government of no wish for services or benefits with the United States of America.

7. For 5$ I’ll share this information with you, you will also have perpetual access to this the site that has stories of the use of the same process across the nation.

8. With the proper notice to your employer which in turn goes to the IRS no agent will consider attempting to claim you have a duty to file or pay any tax.

9. This is the location for access >

Comments Off on Hansen Arrested 5th time, Harassed, this time for a believed gun.

FROM: Paul John Hansen,

c/o 1548 N 19 Street,

Omaha, Nebraska,

without the United States.

TO: City of Omaha Police Officer – Badge Number 1106.

City of Omaha Police Department,

Southwest Precinct

9864 ‘M’ Street

Omaha, NE 68127


NOTICE – City of Omaha Police Officer Badge Number 1106 is instructed to review the attached Affidavit, dated ___/___2014, and make corrections to any portion that is not correct as pertaining to the event, and mail those corrections back to Hansen as addressed above, ideally in affidavit form, being very specific as to any corrections that you wish to include, if no corrections are made the document will be used in its entirety as evidence in a Constitution of the United States Article 3 (common law) Federal Court.

You have ten days from the day you receive this document to make corrections that you believe are appropriate, making it due to be mailed to me on ___/___ 2014.

If you need 10 additional more days email me at to give notice of the need.

For a copy of this document in WORD format go to:


Paul John Hansen

___ This Request, and Affidavit, were mailed by Notary Presentment on the date of __/__ 2014, affidavit preserved in Hansen’s custody.

1.5 hour assembly, with notarizing time, mailing fee _______.


Chronology, Arrest without Cause, in Affidavit Form, Car Show.

1. That Paul John Hansen, a man, being of 21 years of age or older, hereafter as Affiant.

2. That on September third (3rd), 2014 at approximately 8:00 pm Affiant was walking through a Car Show in the parking lot east of Flashbacks at an address of 3015 S 83rd Plz, Omaha, NE 68124.

3. That 3015 S 83rd Plz, Omaha, NE 68124, Flashbacks parking lot is not evidenced as a possession or territory of the United States, or evidenced as land owned by the CITY OF OMAHA.

4. That Affiant noticed a CITY OF OMAHA police officer, identified as “Officer 1106 Badge Number”, hereafter as “Arresting Officer”, intensely watching Affiant as he talked on his cell phone.

5. That after five minutes Affiant got very uncomfortable with Arresting Officer’s harassment and started to leave by jogging away.

6. That Arresting Officer ran after Affiant and caught up with Affiant after Affiant ran about 300 yards, and the Arresting Officer running about 600 yards.

7. That Arresting Officer caught up with Affiant and abruptly asked why are you running.

8. That Affiant responded; “exercise’, adding “is there a law against exercising/running”.

Arresting Officer asked Affiant if Affiant knew that Affiant had a warrant for Affiants arrest.

9. That Affiant replied; I know of no warrant, though the courts often put out warrants lacking law for my arrest, and that I have been arrested in this area 5 times, all with false warrants and I do not like being harassed by the Police.

10. That Arresting Officer said I was under arrest so he could have a police cruiser come and get me and he was checking on the warrant.

11. That two Omaha Police cruisers surrounded me and a total of three Omaha Police Officers surrounded me as the public watched.

12. That Arresting Officer arresting Officer said that Officer Hansen, who he was filling in for as he policed the Show, informed him that he should watch for me at the Car Show to exercise the warrant.

13. That Arresting Officer ran a warrant search and then said; “Your in luck there is no warrant”.

14. That the Arresting Officer held me under arrest for no less than 30 minutes.

15. That the Arresting Officer said that we know you carry a gun.

16. That Arresting Officer said that he read the letter Affiant sent to the Police about carrying a gun.

17. That Affiant told the Officer to go back and read the letter and he will see that the Police Chief and Douglas County Sherriff were instructed to notify me, by mailing, if I did not have a right to carry a gun if I stayed off State of Nebraska government land, and off CITY OF OMAHA owned land, and that I was to be provided with a map, or an internet site, of a map of what is legally the CITY OF OMAHA and the State of Nebraska owned land, and that I have not gotten any letter back from the City Police or the Sheriff of Douglas County.

18. That Affiant told the Arresting Officer that it is Affiant’s belief that Affiant has a right to carry a gun providing he stays off the City of Omaha and State of Nebraska owned land.

Arresting Officer said that they were going to search me to see if I have a gun on me.

19. That Affiant responded by saying that I do not give any consent for any search.

20. That Arresting Officer said it is not a search but a patdown.

21. That Affiant responded by saying that I do not give any consent for any patdown, or for anyone to search me, or touch me.

22. That Arresting Officer’s aiding officers then grabbed me, pulled my hands behind my back and clamped my fingers together with their tight grip and searched my entire body. Not finding anything and then let me go.

23. That before leaving Affiant asked the Arresting Officer for his business card, he said he never caries one, then Affiant asked for his badge number, Arresting Officer replied 1106.

24. That Arresting Officer had no evidenced, when asked by Affiant, that the location of this arrest was done on land that is owned by the CITY OF OMAHA, STATE OF NEBRASKA, or owned by “The United States of America”.

24. Affiant had the entire event recorded.

That this affidavit being executed without the United States,…………………………

((( Guess what, any “order”, by a government agent, to come to a “rest” is an “arrest”, all arrest are seizures, all seizures must be for cause, by oath or affirmation (4th Amendment) as proof of probable cause, if they have no valid cause I’ll ask the jury for damages. Generally $10,000.

All acts done by government employees (Police) without law (probable cause) do so under their own liability. )))


Demanding a US or STATE constitutional right is self defeating, never claim residency.

Your big fat mouth can and will be used against you.

DISINFORMATION, INDOCTRINATION, YOUR choice of WORDS, nullify your birth rights.

“US citizens” are people presumed to be acting on USA owned land.

“STATE citizens” are people presumed to be acting on USA owned land.

US or State resident is a person presumed to be residing on US/State governed land.

The police claim of “in the state” is legally defined as US owned land.

Resident defined in the US written law is – “alien resident”.

Aliens (residents) have no birth right to bear arms anywhere the US claims jurisdiction.

Demanding US or State constitutional rights are not God given birth rights.

So if ever found with a gun never:

a. claim US or State citizenship,

b. residency in any state of the US,

c. present a State Drivers License (for that is state citizenship evidence),

d. claim use of a SS number (only a US citizen is allowed to use a SS number)

e. US or State birth certificate, essentially say nothing except I choose to keep the burden of proof on you that I do not have a right to cary this gun at this location. I chose not to provide any info that can be used against me in a criminal court of law.


The constitutional right to keep and bear arms is subject to reasonable regulation by statute if the statute does not frustrate the guarantee of the constitutional provision. State v. Comeau, 233 Neb. 907, 448 N.W.2d 595 (1989).

You see reasonable regulation is far different from God given rights. Stay off State owned land and the State can not reasonable regulate” you down to a slingshot.

Pay for counsel time if you need more information.

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System. Counsel time and a vast array of briefs, motions, case law, legal challenges, etc.

Comments Off on Private Property v. Real Estate, one taxable, one independent of taxation (governance).

To receive the ONE HOUR MP3 audio presentation pay $2.5 HERE and then email me and ask for M1S-36.

((( Caution the enabling act of your state must be understood in interpreting challenges of taxation based on  Art 1, Sec 8, Par 17 of the Constitution of the United States. Paul Hansen )))

Private Property v. Real Estate, one taxable, one independent of taxation (governance).

Speaker- TX man Jeff Ganapowski.

((( This is an enjoyable eye opening view, with attorney input, packed with INFO, of how one can separate your property from the state real estate tax roles in every state. Paul Hansen )))

Below is notes that touch as to the many topics Jeff covers:

“Real Estate” is of an Estate, “estate” is defined as “property interest”, interest is partial. not whole, absolute, ownership.

Deed is conveyed property of reality; reality is of “estate”, thus not private property.

Allodia is owned in absolute, true private property.

Allodium is associated with estate, interest, not owned in absolute.

Eminent domain always presumes to take Allodium, estate land.

States tax “real property”, not “private property”.

How do you own property absolutely?

Black’s 6:

Page 1217 Private Property

Land and Houses

5th Amendment Private Property

(Does not address real estate,

page 1263 Real estate = real property,

page 1218 real property –

page 547 Estate = is an interest. (less than title)

Unalienable right only to sovereign American by birthright.

Fee simple – estate,

Recorded, as real estate is a presumption, consenting to a recording of a type.

Taxing estate property

Allodium – estate

Allodial – title, full, absolute, ownership

How do you lose right to own.

File a deed.

414 Deed is conveyance of reality property for real estate. Evidence as Interest only.

1106 absolute or qualified. (zoning, etc.)

American government only Secures Rights and Govern by consent.

Article 8 TX constitutions, all real property – real estate, estate.

Government can only touch private property by consent.

Right to be there v. privilege.


Sovereign, own the land.

Art 4, Republic Form Government, people hold sovereignty.

Not a voter to represent.

Sovereign v. Subject

Private Property, to trespass.   Property of the State.

Carry concealed weapon on private property.

Attorney claims all land in TX from King, Spanish Grants, have to source your title back to the State.

Are you ruling that I owe it in Federal Reserve Notes, for I can not get the dollar defined in US written law, congressional coinage act of 176?.

Tire tread, misquoting the law. School bus left out of the codified statute, yet evidenced in the legislative bill.

Private property found in common law.

Purchased with lawful money, with bill of sale.

Separate from US SS system.

Due Notice, anyone with a claim 30 days, newspaper affidavit of no replies.

Prior owner notified government that they are no longer the owner so do not send them a tax bill.

Allodia –

No law recording of a “deed”.

Force the tax foreclosing party to provide the facts that they rely upon as the land not being private property.

Make claim for value in property associate with property tax.

Judge said proving ownership of automobile, 30 Notice in Local newspaper.

Notice for 30 days owner of automobile.

IRS said ss number makes you liable.

Active ss number, active bank account.

Revoke ss number.

Arrested me in 1996, dropped case when no SS number filed.

AOC the term US is Congress, Congress created US constitution for them selves.

He claims as being an inhabitant.

Can a non-resident get a state drivers license, non-residents have a right to travel.

Official Code of Georgia Annotated is the code legislatively sanctioned by O.C.G.A. § 1-1-1

O.C.G.A. § 40-2-1, subsection 32, – non-resident is afforded the privilege to drive.

All state law says that upon the adoption of the US constitution common law courts are abolished. For all relationship with the US is by contract, by consent. Most importantly one must stay off their land.

>>> Repetitive not yet sorted below:

Private Property v. Real Estate, one taxable, one independent of taxation (governance).

“Real state” is of an Estate, “estate” is defined as “property interest”, interest is partial. not whole, absolute, ownership.

Deed is conveyed property of reality; reality is of “estate”, thus not private property.

Allodia is owned in absolute, true private property.

Allodium is associated with estate, interest, not owned in absolute.

Eminent domain always presumes to take Allodium, estate land.

States tax “real property”, not “private property”.

How to own property absolutely by court order.

How to own a car privately by court order. Make claim by 30 legal notice in newspaper.

How one that has an active SS number has an obligation to pay US taxes.

I highly recommend this presentation; I’ll soon get it into Audio only for ease of access.

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System. Counsel time and a vast array of briefs, motions, case law, legal challenges, etc.