Comments Off on National & Citizens, both are equally bad if you try claiming independence from the US.

8 U.S.C. § 1401 : US Code – Section 1401: Nationals and citizens of United States at birth – 

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof; (b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe: Provided, That the granting of citizenship under this subsection shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of such person to tribal or other property; (c) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person; (d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States; (e) a person born in an outlying possession of the United States of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year at any time prior to the birth of such person; (f) a person of unknown parentage found in the United States while under the age of five years, until shown, prior to his attaining the age of twenty-one years, not to have been born in the United States; (g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or periods of employment with the United States Government or with an international organization as that term is defined in section 288 of title 22 by such citizen parent, or any periods during which such citizen parent is physically present abroad as the dependent unmarried son or daughter and a member of the household of a person (A) honorably serving with the Armed Forces of the United States, or (B) employed by the United States Government or an international organization as defined in section 288 of title 22, may be included in order to satisfy the physical- presence requirement of this paragraph. This proviso shall be applicable to persons born on or after December 24, 1952, to the same extent as if it had become effective in its present form on that date; and (h) a person born before noon (Eastern Standard Time) May 24, 1934, outside the limits and jurisdiction of the United States of an alien father and a mother who is a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, had resided in the United States. – See more at:

“US citizen” upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in “interstate commerce,” as a “resident” does not have the common-law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.” Hendrick v. Maryland S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625.

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System. Counsel time and a vast array of briefs, motions, case law, legal challenges, etc.

Comments Off on Protected: Man gets released from SS number by religious conviction, opens bank account with no SS number. M1Sp-35 (5$)

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Comments Off on A Stop is an Arrest, right to travel.

The attached law review shows how a police stop of an automobile is an arrest and can only be maintained as lawful if it has fact evidence of probable cause before the stop.


4th Amendment – probable cause.

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Posted: 17th July 2014 by admin in ABOUT ME, Paul John Hansen

Paul John Hansen, see also –

Foremost I love the Lord, His written Word, and the Family of God. My income is primarily derived from rental properties, selling law related briefs and information, and counseling people across the country in living independent of the corporation called the US INC. I am technically a lawyer, counsel, and not a BAR associat attorney. I understand that the elect of God should promote the Kingdom of God (and His dominion) on earth as it is in Heaven. I am a serious student of Biblical law, and constitutional limitations of the US Government. I have been in court over 350 times. Arrest, oh I lost count. I have received numerous death threats that have come from US STATE agents and officers. Always bogus misdemeanor charges. (Mostly Municipal Housing Codes, right to travel actions, or related acts.)  I file no Federal Income Taxes (1040 Form) since the year 2000. (No filings in any form.)(Always demand a 6203 Assessment when confronted.)  I do not pay STATE income tax, or sales tax on major purchases. I pay no COUNTY property taxes though I owned over 28 properties (28 buildings). ( I believe I have discovered a “filing for record” process that takes my Land off the tax roles. ) I do not vote for UNITED STATE, or NEBRASKA STATE, County, or City governing officers. I am a sovereign American by birth right. (Not a US citizen.) I believe in full support of the “perpetual Union” as found in the second of four constitutions, “Articles of Confederation”.  I have discovered that a “free American” has the lawful standing to choose to live independent of the corporate US governments, and its legislative statutory courts in the vast majority of his daily life, and to be forced to do otherwise is slavery.

Email –

Paul John Hansen, 1548 N 19th St., Omaha, Nebraska 68110, without the United States, mailing location only, not a resident address.

See my other site also –

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.

Comments Off on Not Registering Is Evidence Of Vehicle ‘Not’ Registered, County Treasurer.

This is an email conversation with Douglas County Treasurer, Nebraska, where cars are registered in the county.


Paul Hansen 1:38 PM (7-14-2014)
I sold a car to someone and they are driving it for now over a year without registering it in their name.

They claim they have no need to register because they are ‘not for hire’.

I need a form from you or the DMV, or instructions, that I can use to file a document that states that the vehicle has been sold so that no liability remains upon me.


Treasurer DC 3:17 PM (7-15-2014)

We don’t have anything like that.  Do you have a copy of the bill of sale or their name and address?  That will suffice.  If anyone would inquire as to ownership of the vehicle, our records would indicate that it was no longer registered to anyone.

Tim Cavanaugh

Chief Deputy

Douglas County Treasurer



Paul Hansen 3:40 PM (7-15-2014)
Are you saying that I need to bring the/a ‘Bill of Sale” down to your office and have it recorded or something like that? I’ll have to recreate the original by hand, it will only have my signature on it, will that work, he has the title stuff.  


Treasurer DC
10:15 AM (7-16-2014)


No. If you do have one, just keep your bill of sale with your personal records. That’s all you have to do or can do.

From: Paul Hansen []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:41 PM
To: Treasurer DC
Subject: Re: Request for Form


Paul Hansen <>

11:39 AM (2 hours ago)

to Treasurer
One more question, how is your office or the DMV noticed that

our records would indicate that it was no longer registered to anyone”
what act, or document, before these offices, gives notice of the sale, and of the “no longer registered” 
If he, the buyer, never does anything with the signed over title, and I have no form to notice your offices of the vehicle ownership being passed for your offices to record, how can the status of registered be changed to ‘no longer registered’ in the DMV records if the man is stopped by a state patrol?
Thanks much for you replies. Paul


Treasurer DC

1:55 PM (8 minutes ago)
to me

The vehicle has an expired registration and no plates.  If we run the VIN, it shows it as not registered.  You would be listed as the last registered owner.   If he never titles it, that’s how it stands.  If the person who owns it now gets stopped, he better have proof of ownership.  If he has the title, you should have signed off on the title as transferring ownership.  If you did not sign the title over to him, you are still the owner.

From: Paul Hansen []
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 11:39 AM


Paul Hansen’s Comment:

So if a vehicle is sold to you, and you have *evidence of the sale, and/or purchase, that is evidence that it is no longer registered (contracted, franchised, legal nexus) with the state, county. So there is no dis-registration, all you need is that the registration of the former registrant is no longer active because he sold all interest in the vehicle, thus canceling any nexus, DMV association, ‘motor vehicle’ registration,  with the state.

*evidence- bill of sale, certified copy of bill of sale so original does not get lost, signed over title, certified copy of title so original does not get lost, caution do not carry a signed over title with the vehicle, a person could steal the car and sell it with the original title in hand, I also place the documents on a internet site in pdf form (picture) so you could always direct the officer to the site as well.

Therefore if a person does not use the ‘automobile’ in a ‘for hire’ use there is no need for registration, license, proof of liability coverage, or a state driver license. I put Kingdom Plates and NOT FOR HIRE plates on as notice and do not get pulled over for DMV violations.


Below is a email conversation with the Nebraska DMV on the same subject.

DMV DVR Web via


to pauljjhansen

Good afternoon, Paul:

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to remove your name as the most recent titled owner of the vehicle. Did you keep copies of the Bill of Sale and the assigned Certificate of Title? If so, this will serve as proof that ownership of the vehicle was transferred.

If you feel the current owner is operating the vehicle without proper titling and registration I would encourage you to contact your local law enforcement agency.

If you have any additional questions or need further verification on this matter please contact a member of our Help Desk Staff. The Help Desk Staff is available M-F 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM CDT and may be reached at 402-471-3918.

Thank you,

Jackie Boldan, Staff Assistant II

Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles


Email from: paul john hansen




TO: Nebraska DMV

I sold a car six months ago and the buyer is still driving it with no state plates, he has some “NOT FOR HIRE” plate on it.

I asked him if it has been registered into his name and out of mine, he said no, he said he does not want to contract with the state by registration.

What can I send the Nebraska DMV to get clear of the liability of the vehicle.

I know sooner or latter that he will get parking tickets and the VIN number will end up being used to send me tickets.

Does the Nebraska DMV have a form that I can send in to give notice of sale.

Please advise.

PH 7-30-14

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.

Comments Off on Hansen spends 20 days in jail, again, then they dismiss the original charge, Why? 

(WORD only?A) In 2009 I bumped a City Of Omaha Transit Bus at 2 miles per hour, due to sheet of ice. I (insurance) paid the 145$ damage immediately. Office shows up and gave me a traffic citation for ‘to fast for the conditions, I signed the ticket and cancelled the ticket signature the next day by mailing with the following affirmative defenses. I told the officer there is no evidence that I was carrying cargo or passengers for a fee. I gave no document except insurance card. The vehicle was purchased by me years before, not registered, and not plated. Officer only took my name, DOB, and mailing address, the rest of the info such as a ‘returned to the state‘ (cancelled) state license was found by him in old DMV records. Five (5) years latter (2014) they issue a warrant for me for failure to appear, I was arrested at a country dance club, judge got nervous when I demanded the 4th Amendment requirement, and she let me out on (ROR) return own recognizance (no bond), I fail to appear again, another warrant issued, they arrest me again by a sudo-swat team, full tactical dress, at the same dance club, asserted by no less than six cruisers and 8 officers. They hold me in county jail for 20 days, each time I was in front of the judge I gave notice that no verified sworn complaint is evidenced in the record upon which the prosecutor could act upon and which is necessary to create sufficient pleadings to invoke the courts general jurisdiction. Court then dismisses one ‘failure to appear’ and the original ‘infraction’. I said I have been kidnaped adding ‘no contest’ contingent on if a verified complaint, compliant to the 4th amendment, is evidenced in the record. I was released immediately.   7-1-2014. This is the 3rd time I have done this and was released each time; my friends have done it 14 times. Order the M1S-15 Case Judgment ‘Vacated for lack of “verified” complaint in the record’.  (35$) click the HERE below. False arrest is 10K$, 3K$ each day thereafter for false incarceration, So I’ll go after 80K$ for damages. Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.

Comments Off on Hansen Interviewed, 2 hours, they said it was the most interesting interview they had up to that point.

2 hour Audio – California Radio Station interview of Lawyer, Paul John Hansen.

Contract with the United States gives them force of law, jurisdiction

Wide mix of topics.

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.



Comments Off on Are you a “C” itizen or are you a “c” itizen? Only one must pay taxes.

Article I-25 Constitution of the State of Nebraska

(1866 to present)

Rights of property; no discrimination; aliens.

There shall be no discrimination between citizens of the United States in respect to the acquisition, ownership, possession, enjoyment or descent of property. The right of aliens in respect to the acquisition, enjoyment and descent of property may be regulated by law.

Thirteen (13) time the term “Citizen” is used in the Constitution “for” the United States of America, it changes to the un-capitalized term “citizen” in the 14th Amendment, this being 81 (1868) years after the ratification of this Constitution (1787).

Reference in said constitution to a “citizen” before 1868 was a person of right, unregulated by legislative written law, after 1868 “citizen” would reference a second class citizen, one-hundred present regulated by legislative written law.

In 1866 the Constitution of the State of Nebraska was sent for ratification, in 1875 a statutory constitution was re-created for compliance with this new “citizen” person.
(7 years after the 14th Amendment.)

This new “citizen” person is considered not one of birthright, instead one governed by legislative written law.

The constitution construction of the words “right of aliens” as reference above is this same type of person.

This person is considered an “alien”, not a sovereign American, not a free man but one subject to governance by the US legislative bodies.

Such a persons “acquisition” (the act of acquiring), purchasing of land, and “enjoyment and descent of property” (derivation from an ancestor : birth, lineage) all that he inherits is subject to “be regulated by law”.

Only a US citizen shall have a S.S. number.

Only aliens have a residency (resident address).

And such are subject to legislative property tax, legislative income tax, legislative inheritance tax, etc.

“Citizenship” in the US is not freedom, it is full governance.

P.S. “citizens are not afforded the bill of rights by law. Think about it, such rights were constitutionally recognized only for the capital “C” citizen not the small “c” citizen.

Paul John Hansen 2014 See and

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.

Comments Off on Alien and US citizen are not sovereign Americans.

Article I-25     Constitution of the State of Nebraska

(1866 to present)

Rights of property; no discrimination; aliens.

There shall be no discrimination between citizens of the United States in respect to the acquisition, ownership, possession, enjoyment or descent of property. The right of aliens in respect to the acquisition, enjoyment and descent of property may be regulated by law.

Thirteen (13) time the term “Citizen” is used in the Constitution “for” the United States of America, it changes to the un-capitalized term “citizen” in the 14th Amendment, this being 81 (1868) years after the ratification of this Constitution (1787).

Reference in said constitution to a “citizen” before 1868 was a person of right, unregulated by legislative written law, after 1868 “citizen” would reference a second class citizen, one-hundred present regulated by legislative written law.

In 1866 the Constitution of the State of Nebraska was sent for ratification, in 1875 a statutory constitution was re-created for compliance with this new “citizen” person.   (7 years after the 14th Amendment.)

This new “citizen” person is considered not one of birthright, instead one governed by legislative written law.

The constitution construction of the words “right of aliens” as reference above is this same type of person.

This person is considered an “alien”, not a sovereign American, not a free man but one subject to governance by the US legislative bodies.

Such a persons “acquisition” (the act of acquiring), purchasing of land, and “enjoyment and descent of property” (derivation from an ancestor :  birth, lineage) all that he inherits is subject to “be regulated by law”.

Only a US citizen shall have a S.S. number.

Only aliens have a residency (resident address).

And such (both) are subject to legislative property tax, legislative income tax, legislative inheritance tax, etc.

Citizenship in the US is not freedom, it is full governance.  (Citizen = subject)

P.S. “citizens are not afforded the bill of rights by law. Think about it, such rights were constitutionally recognized only for the capital “C” citizen not the small “c” citizen.

Paul John Hansen 2014   See   and

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.

Comments Off on Free American vs United States Subject (citizen)

Title 28 U.S. Code § 1605 – General exceptions to the jurisdictional immunity of a foreign state

(a) A foreign state shall not be immune from the jurisdiction of courts of the United States or of the States in any case—

(1) in which the foreign state has waived its immunity either explicitly or by implication, notwithstanding any withdrawal of the waiver which the foreign state may purport to effect except in accordance with the terms of the waiver;

(((A plea at bar, signing a citation, or non-challenge to the courts jurisdiction is received as a waiver.)))

(((If you are an American you are foreign to the United States and States. If you use a SS# you are not foreign to the United states, you are a ‘citizen’ (subject to all legislative written law).)))

(2) in which the action is based upon a commercial activity carried on in the United States by the foreign state; or upon an act performed in the United States in connection with a commercial activity of the foreign state elsewhere; or upon an act outside the territory of the United States in connection with a commercial activity of the foreign state elsewhere and that act causes a direct effect in the United States;

(((“In is territorial, “effect” could be associated with banking for one example.)))

(3) in which rights in property taken in violation of international law are in issue and that property or any property exchanged for such property is present in the United States in connection with a commercial activity carried on in the United States by the foreign state; or that property or any property exchanged for such property is owned or operated by an agency or instrumentality of the foreign state and that agency or instrumentality is engaged in a commercial activity in the United States;

(4) in which rights in property in the United States acquired by succession or gift or rights in immovable property situated in the United States are in issue;

(5) not otherwise encompassed in paragraph (2) above, in which money damages are sought against a foreign state for personal injury or death, or damage to or loss of property, occurring in the United States and caused by the tortious act or omission of that foreign state or of any official or employee of that foreign state while acting within the scope of his office or employment; except this paragraph shall not apply to—

Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System.