Client Notice

Posted: 3rd July 2017 by admin in Facebook
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NOTICE: If you have paid for services that are highly technical and of the type that may not be implemented for several years as strategies are assembled and evaluated. Such is done so that when implemented you will get the most for your money. I have recently worked with the highest level legal minds in the nation who are constantly attempting to construct strategies to stop the expansion of ‘statism’ and its ever expanding deprivation of clearly defined God given rights. So if you are such a person please contact us no less than every six months to inquire as to progress. Due to computer hacking, and record complications, your purchased service needs may have become mistakenly, unnoticed presently.

NOTICE: Paul John Hansen never puts himself out as an ‘association’ BAR member, or acting attorney. And the use of the term ‘lawyer’* is only to communicate (Hansen’s) chosen profession (<CLICK), as the right of man, independent of any state, legal entities, or associations, as stated. Paul John Hansen does not wish to do business in land of any United States Jurisdiction.

(*lawyer, lauier, lawer, lawere (mid-14c. as a surname), -one versed in law, one whose profession is suits in court, or client advice on legal rights, having no association with any activity with license, or professional associations’.)

If the term attorney, or lawyer, appears in this site, or any web site used by Hansen, that alludes to any licensed activity it has been placed there by hackers, and Hansen asks that such be noticed to him so it can be corrected immediately.

                                                                                                                   Paul John Hansen

Comments Off on State Citizen, State National, Scam or Reality:
  1. Gonski, ((See Last Paragraph first.))

2. Private Freedom Consultant

3. Destination Freedom,

4. $4,400.00 class fee. Freedom is close to free if you have the right questions, and the right format to ask the questions.

5. I have been in this business of “status and standing” for over 25 years, and have not seen one fact evidence that such documentation is of anymore value than the following challenge:

6. Officer what evidence do you have that I am subject to the written law you are claiming applies to me, and what evidence do you have that it has force and effect of law in the land where you claim the violation, or need occurred?

7. I have heard of stories where people have allegedly been traveling 95 MPH in a 55 MPH zone, got pulled over, handcuffed, car was already loaded on the tow truck deck, and finally the officer yielded to the mans wish that the office look at his documents of ‘State National’ that was under a state governor’s apostille seal. And soon after the officer called it in was apologizing and let him go. Sounds like a perfect story to sell $4,400.00 classes.

8. An Apostille or an Authentication certifies the authenticity of the signature, seal and position of the official who has executed, issued or certified a copy of a public document. An Apostille or an Authentication enables a public document issued in one country to be recognized as valid in another country.

9. LAST PARAGRAPH, If you know of any stories where ‘state national’, or ‘state citizen’, was of any real value, please email me the information, we will pay for it if it is substantive. But as of now, I only see it as a scam to extract millions out of the naive patriot groups.

Send all info to:

Paul John Hansen, 451 Constellation Blvd, Apt 1006, League City , Texas [ near 77573 ]

The above address is not a resident address, and only acts as business mail forwarding service due to Hansen’s living abroad.

251.362.8231 (Cell & Text)  /

Click HERE for the video clip of how to buy products on PayPal.

HOW TO PAY options – NOTE > Economical way to order is by the following pay apps, they charge 2.5% generally, Cash App, and Venmo. Just add up all the product numbers that you wish to order and add the amounts, and take off the discounts, if any apply, and send the funds by the App you wish. The products access links will be sent out to you, by email, within 24 hours generally (do call me if you have an emergency and I can generally get them to you within minutes.

We can take most any credit/debit card information over the phone and process immediately.

If you wish to use PayPal, feel free, it is easy, though they also charge between 2 to 3%, but I absorb that fee, not you, many people prefer it, the products access links will be sent out to you, by email, within 24 hours.

You can also email us and give us a list of all products you wish to order, we only need the M1S #____, and then inform us by email. Make sure you add a contact number, and we will give you a call back to process any card, generally the same day. [ Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and  American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, PayPal, Venmo and several others ]

>>>> Our Cash App account name is > $pjjh1493, best to locate it under my email >

>>>> Our Venmo account name is >@paul-hansen-29118.

>>>> Our PayPal account name is same as my email >

CLICK > Index in alphabetical order, on varying keywords (under construction).

60 – Minute Counsel Time for 35$.


Spend a few dollars and possibly save tens of thousands, for some millions.

Pay any way you wish, if not by PayPal, just mail cash, money order, or checks, See CONTACT INFO at bottom of this page.

No minimum.  (You can stop the call at any time and get all unused fees back.)

Pay in advance with the button at the top of this page, just fill in the box with any amount you wish. Try to pay with ‘Friend and Family‘ (no fee) in PayPal as often as possible.

Best to email me a “less than” one page chronology with the points you wish to receive information/opinions/counseling, at the same time you make the PayPal Donation, $35.00 per hour for counsel.

[su_box title=”AVAILABLE?”] Hansen is again available to serve you. Click to See > STORY < of last arrest and jail time.[/su_box]

NOTICE – If the above box says not available, or other comments, that indicates that Paul John Hansen is possibly in jail and can not counsel at this time, (so do not pay for any counseling until this notice is removed, the estimated date of release may be posted in the box as well. Feel free to order any products, the delivery of them is not affected by my freedom. Due to my many devastating challenges upon the United States agents, over the past 10+ years, they often use jail time to “try” and curtail my ability to expose State, and Federal, corruption. So I may use this box if I have a chance of jail during certain trial dates just in case, and clear it if I prevail before days end. After numerous arrest, this notice is considered a courtesy tool for my clients. This job is not for the faint at heart. In the US today, if you are not threatened with jail occasionally you are likely a man not aggressively standing for good (biblical) government.

NOTICE – If you are experiencing any missing documents in your purchased/shared ‘Dropbox Products’ with us please inform us and we will repopulate your Dropbox. There was a technical error with some of the Dropbox services and this is the only way that can be corrected. Just email me and give me the email address that the/your Dropbox is titled under (your account) name) and we will update it ASAP. If you wish to assure that you have all the recent updates as associated contact me in the same manner as mentioned above.

Counsel Services and All Available Material: (( Notice – The Accounting, Banking, is done by Paul Hansen.)) a. ‘Counsel Fees’ at 35$, generally over phone or Skype, or

Fee button>        Or if mailing, payable to:

Paul John Hansen,

527 21st Street, # 153

Galveston, Texas 77550

251.362.8231 (Cell & Text)

If you have suggestions of how to make this site better feel free to email me, if your aid is substantial I’ll give you credits for future purchases.

NOTICE < Carts below have a, ‘generally’ short, CLIP  associated to aid you in knowledge of the product or service I am providing. Caution – ‘one’ click only please, multiple clicks on the same button will charge you two times, no worry you can cancel and correct the order before paying. The material offered here is priced to be delivered digitally by various, common, efficient internet systems, if you wish to have the documents in paper form, or by CD, you must first ask me to price them in whatever form you wish before you make payment.

M1S-D1 (This FULL order has every product below at a 25% discount with just one click.) Just click on the below ‘Buy Now’ button one time. Without discount the cost is $555.00, with discount 416.25, you SAVE 138.75.

If you placed the ‘General Package Order‘ of the presently 72 products, you are not charged for the products that are under construction.

In addition to the above we have all the special order products, identified below in red color. 10 products, if ordered in the grouped package you save 25% also. $Without discount the cost is $165.00, with discount $125.75, you SAVE $41.25.

1. M1S-1, ‘Free Inhabitant One A Territorial Jurisdiction’ PPT- A 45-minute power point presentation with sound, going into great detail as to where Federal, State, City, and County written laws apply.  Generally, if the government does not own it they cannot regulate it.     5 min. audio by Paul. (5$)♦♦♦♦  (Play clip below for this products description.) Audio Player

2. M1S-2, ‘Pay No Property Tax’ PPT.  A 30-minute power point presentation with sound, explains why the government has no written law to apply county property tax upon land that is not owned by the government. (5$)

3. M1S-3, ‘Property Tax Case’ Myrtle 4161- (35$) A large package of all case documents on a Douglas County District Court property tax case of Hansen’s, it has been ongoing for years. This is the third house that they have failed to take for property taxes.  The Nebraska Supreme court has been seating on this case for six months.  I have them backed into a corner, very interesting challenge. (35$)  Pay at this site>

Audio Player

4. M1S-4, ‘Notice Upon Attorney, Practicing Outside of US’ 3033, tax, or also found in the “4161 Package”. (5$)

Audio Player

5. M1S-5, ‘Notice of Fraud, Notice of Intent to Commit Fraud’ One is upon attorneys false BAR license, and one on attorney attempting to apply written US law upon land that is not evidenced as a possession or territory of the US, as associated with property tax (but is applicable to all attorney actions). Comes with 2 MP3 on how one advocate counsel lawyer stops foreclosures for up to ten years. (5$)

6. M1S-6, ‘Territorial Jurisdiction Brief’ 6+ page – as it applies to the independence of private property not evidenced as a possession or territory of the US. (15$)

7. M1S-7, ‘Property Tax, Pay Under Protest / Affidavit’, This letter/notice is to provide a resource to get property tax payments back if the county cannot prove that your property is a possession or territory of the United States, which all land that is statutorily liable to property tax must be.  Then sue the treasurer for the funds and damages. (5$)

M1S-8, ‘Lien Package’8. M1S-8, ‘Lien Package’ How to place a “claim” of lien on your own property to ward off any taking by the IRS or other criminal government groups.  We have used such to keep the IRS from selling a one million dollar property for 6 years now.  It is a commercial security and property care claim of lien. (35$)

9. M1S-9, ‘Sarpy Right to Travel Case’,  With the filed civil suit, by a Community Court, against the judge for acting without law. Sarpy County Sheriff issues a traffic citation upon Hansen for driving under a suspended license, no registration, no liability insurance, and a failure to appear, the warrant was issued without the mandatory “oath or affirmation” (4th Amendment violation. (5$)

10. M1S-10, ‘Sales Tax Brief’, A brief explaining why state sales tax only applies to activity (commerce) that occurs on state-owned land. Designed to be present to local retail stores so that no sales tax will be added to the sale price. (5$)

11. M1S-11, ‘Notice – M1S, Property Tax, Brief, Notice upon taxing agency’.  General notice to any person that may in the future or has sent property tax statements that your affidavit stands as evidence that the subject land is not evidenced as taxable property, as a matter of law. (5$)

12. M1S-12, ‘1905’ “For Hire” Mr. Hand Legislative Bill, as evidence of law that all motor vehicle written law only applies to “for hire” activity in the United States. (2.5$ for a pdf copy emailed, take this to a law library and ask them to get the one for your state.)xx13. M1S-13, Independent Registration of a Vehicle-1A Package25 (xx$) Under construction.)

The best claim of “exercising my liberty to use the open highways is registration in a jurisdiction out of the United States.  (State, Counties)    Now under construction. A type of privately held title.

14. M1S-14, ‘Foreign Plea in Abatement’ (FPIA) – 1A-Package   (35$) This is the most important defense from any United States claimed jurisdictional claim. We have used it successfully for close to twenty years in all levels of government intervention.

15. M1S-15, Case Judgment ‘Vacated for lack of “verified” complaint in the record’.  (35$) Hansen jailed for 21 days and they dismiss the case when challenged to prove up due process. (Sarpy Case) (((Look for verified complaint pages?)))


Case Law / Memorandum, Requirement for Verified Complaint, in affidavit form to complete the sufficiency of the pleadings to invoke the courts subject matter jurisdiction. I recently orally stated this premise and the prosecution dismissed the case even though I had four (4) failures to appear racked up against me.  This is a devastating strategy.

16. M1S-16, ‘Jurisdiction Case Law’, With Motion For ‘Judicial Notice’. (5$) How to put the judge liable to written law and US court case opinions.

17. M1S-17, ‘6203 Assessment Request, IRS’ (15$) This is the most valuable defense you can have for being independent from the IRS (US) system, it stops them cold, they can never successfully charge you with failure to file, or failure to pay. (May not be applicable to corporations.) See-   (Search the site under 6203.) I have personally used it for 13 years successfully.

17a. M1S-17a, M1S-17a, Notice Upon IRS, Remove Lien, This is a notice to cause the ‘agent’ that placed the unsupported lien to remove it immediately or face court proceedings for an unauthorized lien filing. (5$)

18. M1S-18, ‘Money of Account Challenge / Argument’ (35$) We have never paid a court fee, transcript fee, citation fine, etc., with this Challenge upon the court.  With 8 Page ‘Judicial Notice’ with Brief and Memorandum of Law on Want of Lawful Money of Gold or Silver Coin for Payment of Debt to the State of Nebraska. My clients have used it for years and many have never had to pay, it has saved me thousands of dollars personally.  I sometimes order 3000$ transcripts that I end up not even using / needing, that really angers the judges, because they want to make money with every case, not lose 3,000 to 5,000$.

19. M1S-19, Special Order DMV, Correct the Record’. Filing to give notice of independence from state, and federal, registration, governance, jurisdiction, .  (15$)


19. M1S-19.1, ‘Marriage Counseling, Christian / Biblical Based.  Relational / Business Counseling, Christian / Biblical Based’.  25$ / hr..  God’s Word is the rule of conduct, and law, in all relationships.

20. M1S-20, ‘Attorney Loyalty Letter / Contract / Notice’ (5$) A template letter that forces an attorney to defend you fully.

21. M1S-21, Police Stop Instructions when operating an automobile. The three simple to do things that can win or kill your case in a traffic stop, what to say, what not to say,(KISS) keep it simple sovereign. (5$)

22. M1S-22, Why ‘Flying a United States Flag’  on your private property grants permission for the feds to raid the property for any reason they deem a concern. Yes the feds can break down your door at 3:00 am for any reason. Such flag gives notice that it is a federally controlled property. See true story. (1$)

23. M1S-23, ‘Eviction Package’ (35$) How I file for evictions in my county courts. All states are eventually the same. See>

24. M1S-24, Special OrderPrivately Held Deed’, Common Law (5$) A deed that evidences the land/property from the county (state) jurisdiction into a privately held land jurisdiction, thus taking it out of the property taxing class (type). With supporting brief/letters. See how billions of dollars of land/property as been evidenced as not taxable as a matter of law.

25. M1S-25, (5$) for both – ‘Greatest Story Never Told’, 124 page book, lawyer’s perspective of hidden information of how one becomes a “citizen” (2nd class, subject, non-sovereign), and ‘Richard McDonald MP3 2hr PresentationResident  vs.  Native’, the value, and ability, of being a “state” citizen and not a United States Citizen, not “of” the US. This information is of value for people standing in independence from the US system (US commercial law trust). I personally give it a five star rating. McDonald Cautions – Small “s” depicts a “Nebraskan” or “Californian”, and not a United States Citizen (capital “S”).

26. M1S-26, ‘Affidavit Package’ (5$), clearly shows how an affidavit must be constructed so as to fit the desired jurisdiction of the court. Using a statutory (code) affidavit to accomplish a common law purpose nullifies the process. Using a non-statutory affidavit in a statutory (code) court nullifies the process. The correct affidavit jurat must be used to match the jurisdiction of the claim or it will not be received as evidence by the court.

27. M1S-27, ‘Affidavit of Sovereign Authority’ (5$), and request a certified copy of the public record that identifies you as a sovereign. A public record / notice of status so that you cannot be assumed to be a United States Citizen (subject), but rather a man of sovereign right, therefore not subject to written law statute/code. You must do actual damage before you can be accosted by the police, none of this cited for running a red-light with no other cars around.

28. M1S-28, ‘Notary Presentment, Mailings, Proof of Notice w/affidavits’ (15$) If you want to give notice by third party that the US courts respect I recommend using this Notary mailing Affidavit Package. It shows how to have proof of mailing and contents of the same. Do not be like me and be in the middle of a case and you cannot prove service. Parties that receive such notices such as sheriffs, city municipal code enforcement, etc. think twice before coming against you. If notice is given without a proper affidavit completed by the notary you have no proof of what was sent.

29. M1S-29, ‘Brief on HOW to Force any bank to account ledger your deposits (employment checks) on United States notes, money standard (gold), and not Federal Reserve Notes.’ (5$) Pursuant to – Title 12 Section 411 [United States Code] and Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act.30. M1S-30, ‘How to Open a Bank Account Without Using a S.S. Number’. (_?_$) (under construction) Yes a sovereign American can open such accounts and also have the funds held as United States notes (inelastic gold standard), not as Federal Reserve Notes (elastic ‘money). This package provides the government form that allows the bank to open an account without using a SS number. ‘Dan_SS_Form, Stop Using SS Number’.

31. M1S-31, ‘How to open a ‘non-Federal Reserve Note’ bank account’.     US notes only. (5$)   See>

32. M1S-32, ‘How to win against Municipal Codes, Territorially’ (5$) – demanding evidence that the city owns the land where the violation is claimed to have taken. Cities are commercial, therefore not government, therefore are by contract. You get my 2 page draft letter of demanding proof of ownership (territorial jurisdiction) by notary presentment. Also you get – Case Opinion (40 Page) on City Jurisdiction as a business, taxpayers/citizens are franchised in, address is prima fascia evidence of “in” the city.

33. M1S-33, Time Line of USA and US Organic Law, (5$) 11 page document showing all active constitutional law of all four (4) constitutions for the United States.

34. M1S-34, Special Order Challenging municipal policy’ under 42 USC § 1983, Muni_Policy_JUDICIAL_NOTICE-3’ < My Doc., David Myrland’s Material.

35. M1Sp-35, Man gets ‘released from SS number’ by religious conviction, opens bank account with no SS number. See the form you can seek from the SS Office. An audio of getting passport without SS number. (5$). (Password Required.)

36. M1S-36, ‘Private Property v. Real Estate’, one taxable, one independent of taxation (governance) ($2.5).


38. M1Sp-38, How to, with law, ‘MAIL FIRST CLASS FOR 3 CENTS‘ any where in America every time. ($3.00).

39. M1S-39, IRS W9 is for “Taxpayer”, w8 is for “non-Taxpayer”, how to use it properly in seeking employment, and banking with ‘no‘ SS number. (10$) (Applicable even if you have acquired (without knowledge) a SS in the past. Only a true citizen must use a SSN.

40. M1S-40, Traffic Citation, No License-Registration-Liability-Expired Plates, Sarpy County, NE, 3 arrest for ‘no- show’, 4th amendment challenge, 20 days jailed, multiple jurisdictional challenges causes them to Vacate and claim that “Charges were  not formally  filed“, have all 53 filings. A pure victory. Now moving for damages. (15$).

41. M1S-41, -‘Red-Light Scam’, The City, County, or State, lack authority for Red-Light camera citations. INFO package that shows how you can cancel every citation with only a mailing of a notice to the man that sent you the citation. ($5.00).

42. M1S-42, -McDonald, Richard, Seminar, 2 HR, State “c”itizen, I personally thought it was of value, WAV (1$) (More will be added throughout the years.)

43. M1Sp-43, -‘Non-taxpayer NOTICE upon IRS by W4 Forms’ — Karl’s mom was an IRS agent, she showed him how to use the W4 form as notice that no taxes are to be withheld by any employer. He claims he, or any employer, has not been bothered by the IRS for over twenty years. ($5.00).

44. M1Sp-44, – ‘Get State I.D. and Passport with no Social Security‘, CA man shows you how he does it. Transcripts and Audios. (5$).

45. M1S-45- ‘Counsel Contract, Agreement’. Safe from practicing without a license. ($2.50)

46. M1S-46- ‘Damages Must Be Proved‘, Jurisdiction, how to vacate/set-aside most default, or summary judgment cases, especially credit card. ($2.50)

47. M1S-47- ‘Right to 6th Amendment Counsel’, How to put the brakes on a statutory representing, selling you out, attorney, and getting as a right “COUNSEL”, by judicial notice. ($2.50)

48. M1Sp-48, Hansen v. Rickets, Common Law Court of Record‘ claim, action, against NEBRASKA Governor for failure to instruct state employees of man’s “not for hire” travel right. Hansen opted to use small claims county court to convene his right to the highest courts of America – the common law court of record, trial by jury. Cost 26$. Perpetually follow this case. (5$)

49. M1Sp-49, Paul John Hansen’s biblical briefing on “The Tithe” is a written law (tax on the production of the land only) imposed only on the nation of Israel. Giving, alms, is now imposed upon the Church, not as law, but as a sacrifice of thanksgiving, charity, the law of love. (2.5$)

50. M1S-50, Case Law on ‘Church Jurisdiction‘, a US court can not disturb a church jurisdiction order. Essentially the same cases hold true for any ‘common law’ – ‘court of record’ issues. It is simply not of the jurisdiction of the United States Courts. (2.5$)

51. M1S-51, Case Law on ‘Personal Jurisdiction Challenge’, Challenges are common law and must be meet on the record, the most important thing in an attack by any US agent is to challenge what proof they have that you are a person subject. Basicly what did I do, say, or sign that the plaintiff relies upon for this US court to have personal jurisdiction over me. (2.5$) Example Template is added with judicial notice instructions.

52. M1S-52, Case Law on ‘Territorial Jurisdiction Challenge’, Challenges are common law and must be meet on the record, the second most important thing in an attack by any US agent is to challenge what proof they have that the activity they claim I did occurred on land that is owned by “The United States of America”. (2.5$) Example Template is added.

53. M1S-53, Case Law on ‘Subject Matter Jurisdiction Challenge’, Challenges are common law and must be meet on the record, the third most important thing in an attack by any US agent is to challenge what ……… under construction. (2.5$) Example Template is added with judicial notice instructions.53a. XXM1S-53a, General steps of having successful ‘motions’, or ‘challenges‘, on the record, in open court. A list of many tricks the court uses to derail you motion/challenge, and how you stop them dead in their tracks by using the ‘Due Process‘ requirement, and the ‘Supremacy Clause‘. (under construction)

53b.  XXM1S-53b, How to nail the judge when a prosecutor motions for the proverbial ‘calls for a legal determination‘. How to force the judge to give you written ‘findings of facts and conclusions of law’ (FFCL) he relied upon to make the legal determination that the judge and prosecutor are trying to use to derail you defense.  One never wins a big traffic case in court, that only occurs in the appeal process, as a ‘matter of law’.  They know that the highest law/court is the People and that is the prosecutors greatest fear. ( click > YouTube INTRO > Legal Determination Win Cases) (under construction)

53c, M1S-53c, How to perfect a judicial notice.  Why most judicial notices fail to force the judge to follow written law, or evidence of law from ‘precedent’, ruling, standing cases. (under construction)

M1S-54 Citizen v. citizen case “opinion” disclosure: The US courts treat “citizens” jurisdictionally different: Generally a US court gets personal jurisdiction evidence by a man admitting (his big mouth), that he is a US citizen, on the record, in one way or another, this is one of the most important thing you must avoid to keep independent from US legislative administration acts upon your life. Resident, Reside, City, Citizen, County, State, Unites States, are all labeling terms that if accepted in a US court, when the proceeding is “on the record” is used to take personal jurisdiction over you, thus stealing your right to trial by the “People” by jury in a common law venue. (2.5$)

M1S-55 Arizona Senator Notice – Drivers License is a Contract, MP3, with certified document) can be rescinded, and notices his the state agents to respect right to travel in not for hire capacity. (2.5$) Excellent evidence for traffic defense.

M1S-56 REMOVING VIN FROM STATE SYSTEMS (15$) ‘Travel Proof‘ of independence from state governance. (CLICK > Full Description of Package)

M1S-57 The Rise of Common Law Courts in the United States: An Examination of the Movement, The Potential Impact on the Judiciary, and How the States Could Respond. 207 pages, CLICK > FULL ADD. (5$)

XXM1S-58 Motion to Recuse / Disqualify – Judge / Administrator, (x.x$ ) (Under Construction)

XXM1S-59 Unauthorized Practice of Law, your defense, a contract for your safety, the where, who, and what, of what you can do and what you can not do. (x.x$) (under construction)

XXM1S-60 FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, Motion (under construction) (5$)

XXM1S-61 Alter or Amend Judgment, Motion (under construction) (5$)

XXM1S-62 Positive and Negative Averments, Notice, Challenge, in Affidavit Form (under construction) (5$)

XXM1S-63 Set Aside Judgment, Special Order, If a past traffic citation has been paid and it is hindering your employment or credit rating you can ask for it to be ‘set aside’ record-wise, provided the fines are not an issue. (5$)

XXM1S-64 KEY CASE LAW, EVIDENCE OF LAW, Special Order, That are relevant to many of the issues of men seeking independence (protection from) from the United States. (10$)

XXM1S-65 Administrative Process, Default Process, Mailing done by Aiding Notaries, Mailing Affidavits, 2 Witness Option Mailing, Claim Form/Templates, Flowchart. How to force any man, or agent of the United States, into setting a record of facts, upon which you can retain as protection, or evidence for any court proceeding, from any misapplied US written law, or common law. (35$) ♦♦♦♦

M1S-66 Federal Definitions, ‘Judicial Notice’, The necessary few with every traffic case. Keep it Simple Silly (KISS). Less is better. More than necessary simply shows your opponent that you do not know what you are doing. How we win virtually every tragic case now. Provided you, your activity, and possibly your location, is not promulgated in US written law. (2.50$)

M1S-67 Beat the IRS over 50 Times, Special Order, Lawyer Ed Shell, 50 hours of Ed’s Video Presentations, a magnitude of stories, How to put the squeeze on the IRS agent that claims you have a duty to file, and have money due and owing to the United States/IRS, I personally trained under him for close to ten years. (10$)

M1S-69 – Court of Record (COR), proceeding under the Common Law, for a local court trial by jury (not with jury), for case finding (determination). (7th amendment of the US Constitution) COR as associated with MS10065 > MS10069.(?$)(under construction)

M1S-70 – Then take the COR jury findings and get a confirmation of judgment (COJ) from/in your nearest US District Court (Federal or State). COJ as associated with MS10065 > MS10070.(?$)(under construction)

M1S-71 – Then collaborate the execution of the judgment (EOJ) with the local US authorities, and the men of your community. EOJ as associated with MS10065 > MS10071.(?$)(under construction)

M1S-72 AP – Administrative Process, send by notary, and 2nd and 3rd mailing by first class mailings, UCC affiliated action as associated with MS10065 > MS10072.(?$)(under construction)

M1S-73 Arbitration Slam, Special Order, Guaranteed win, on any credit card, or your money back. Click > STORY. (35$). I have a 20 year 100% success rate.

M1S-74 Common Law Lease, with American Common Law Enforcement. Template ($2.5)

M1S-75 Instruction, DMV, Voluntary Surrender License ($under construction)

M1S-76 Sheriff has ‘legal written duty’ to enforce the ‘statutory written law’, and the ‘common law‘. ($2x.5x) (under construction)

M1S-77 All US courts are limited to regulating ‘Firearms’, per the ‘Supremacy Clause’ – Not ‘rifled barrel’ pistols or rifled barrel long guns, or long smooth barrel shotguns. A ‘firearm’ is a ‘sawed-off shotgun’. Federal case law, Stat at Large. ($2.5) (under construction)

M1S-78 ‘File Upon Demand, File for Record‘ (When Refused) (under construction)

M1S-79 ‘Forma PauperisSpecial Order, Example Forms that I use so that I never have to pay for anything in a US court, civil or criminal, proceeding brought against me. I have personally used it to save over ten thousand dollars in federal and state appeal fees. Never pay for another subpoena, file copies, or court transcript again. (5$)

M1S-80 ‘US Bank can not lend its credit! CASE /Opinion/Law.’ Case law used in a Federal case associated with banknote forensic report. (2.5$)  (I finally found these cases after looking for ten years.)

M1S-84 ‘Challenge Citation, Step by Step‘ What you do when you get a citation, challenge all elements of jurisdiction first thing before arraignment. (2.5$)

M1S-86 ‘Demand Letter upon Governor‘  A certified document that establishes – ‘No Intent’ to violate state written law associated with ‘vehicle’. (5$)

88. M1S-88. – ‘Credit Card Defenses‘, I have won every credit card case that I have been involved with, trained by Ed Shell, a law graduate, handled credit card cases for 20 plus years. You can prevail every-time by asking the right questions, subpoenaing the right witnesses, and all that with the proper timely objection to attorney offered evidence. I even have a national president that went to the highest court in the STATE OF NEBRASKA. Counsel time at 35$/hour.

M1S-93 Special Order (Empty Folder), ?$

94. M1S-94. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, IRS, FDCPA – How to use the this tool with the U.S. Marshall to stop the IRS unlawful collections. (20$)

99. M1S-99. MSO Retention, Special Order, New automobile purchases, success. Saved 5000$ on plating fees. (25$)

98. M1S-98. Force government agencies to correct their records. The result is non-governance. Do not arrest/do not detain. (15$)

99.1 M1S-99.1 – Counsel fees [ ] must be prepaid.  On this same site in ‘GENERAL’ (top button on this page) PayPal Button you can put in the value of your purchases and then email me on exactly what you just ordered and they will be delivered promptly, generally the same day.

100,. M1S-100. Independent Jural Society Community Court (IJSCC), Example Template/Form Court Case Process. Common Law Court of Record, 12 jurors. No Charge.

>>> NOTICE – For the below just ask me for them by email, by number, I have not created links for them yet, just been busy with important / time-consuming cases.

101. M1S-101, (15$) Special Order Step 1, Property Tax Challenge.

102. VM1S-102, (15$) Special Order Vaccines, Vaccinations, (COVID19) legal aid material.

103. M1S-103, (2.5$) Special Order P.O.A. Power of Attorney

104. M1S-104, (10$) Special Order SSN, Hidden Federal Law Forbids for Identification Purpose

105. M1S-105, (00$) Special Order Bill of Particulars Nature & Cause, Brief, Affidavit, and Motions.

106. M1S-106, (00$) Special Order US Citizen v. citizen, American National

107. M1S-107, (00$) Special Order Property Tax Challenge, Removal, Step by Step.

108. M1S-108, (00$) Special Order Land Patent, Land Grant, INFO

109. M1S-109, (5$) Special Order Garnishment, How to Challenge.

110. M1S-110, (00$) Special Order Passport with no SSN

111. M1S-111, (5$) Special Order Cannabis, Legal Defense, As Right of Man

112. M1S-112, (25$) Special Order Court of Record, Superior Court, Common Law, Template

113. M1S-113, (00$) Special Order Right to Travel, Step by Step, Package

114. M1S-114, (2.5$) Special Order Averment, Negative & Positive

115. M1S-115, (00$) Special Order Electronic Filing, Motion

116. M1S-116, (5$) Special Order Fed Law, Note Tracking, Note Servicing.

117. M1S-117, (5$) Special Order of Status, non-corporation, non-election.


Get 5, 10, or 100 people, and split the cost of counsel time we can then ‘all’ conference at the same time, you get 100 years of pooled experience. Each participant is sent an MP3 high-quality recording of each conference soon after.

Step 1 – For ease of ordering just pay at any working PayPal Button on my site [HERE] the recommended amount and then email me and specify what you wish to order and it will be sent, generally, the same day.

Step 2 – Once paid, email me and include the amount of time paid for, your contact number, date, and a time window (CST) of when it is best to talk.

Step 3 – I am on Central Daylight Savings Time (CDST).

Step 4 – I’ll generally make it work.

Step 5 – Note – I highly recommend – Tell me if you would like access to have our conversation recorded for your playback review in MP3. (To record we both call 213-992-5232 – Pin 00859 if prompted (Best on Chrome), this enables a recording you can get, or down load in MP3, off the Internet up to 30 days after the call.

-If it is for preparation of documents just pay and send email explaining what you wish to have done.

-It is best to send with the email a ½ page (max) chronology of your issues with why you believe you have a good case.

-No one is permitted to have a counseling time unless a payment is made, it is highly recommended clients first purchase, and preview the ‘Free Inhabitant One A’     [ ] 45 min. presentation for (5$).  Delivered by ‘Dropbox’.  Most all issues with the US courts can be removed with this knowledge.

150,000+ people read my site some months, and many seek information, so do understand the need for people to pay for my time, so-far all the people say that the money was very well spent, I could charge more but so many of my clients are on their last resources, and I pay no Federal or State taxes so the 35$/hour is workable for me.

Our goal should be-   to stop government intrusion upon the “free inhabitants” independence, and not in getting rich.

If communication begins by email “always” send same linked emails so that I/we have a chronology of communications in one email, extensive communication and sharing will incorporate a Dropbox account.  See also –

All PowerPoint presentations are sent by Dropbox, and some are also available by share web-sites if the client has difficulty with PPT compatibility.        <<  For Counseling fees and payment plans.

If making a payment just type in the desired payment amount in the PayPal payment box.

Notice – Once a person is a paid client I have the discretion to charge for reading and/or answering emails. This usually entails $1.00 fee at the minimum to read any email that is substantive, meaning just short mailings will not be charged.

 xx ((( Any order of products (not counsel time) of 100$ or more will receive 10$ (10%) of credit that can be applied to any additional materials from the list above. )))

  • CONTACT – PayPal is the easiest way to pay, or mail cash or money order, Payable to: Paul John Hansen, (NOTICE – as to mailing address it varies weekly due to the many times Hansen travels abroad for pleasure and for client needs. Click [HERE] for present day contact information.

[[ADMIN INFO ONLY > adding shortcode box instructions >

M1S-73 Arbitration Slam, Guaranteed win, on any credit card, or your money back. Click > STORY. (35$). I have a 20 year 100% success rate.M1S-74 Common Law Lease, with American Common Law Enforcement. Template ($2.5)M1S-75 Instruction, DMV, Voluntary Surrender License ($under construction)

M1S-76 Sheriff has ‘legal written duty’ to enforce the ‘statutory written law’, and the ‘common law‘. ($2x.5x) (under construction)

M1S-77 All US courts are limited to regulating ‘Firearms’, per the ‘Supremacy Clause’ – Not ‘rifled barrel’ pistols or rifled barrel long guns, or long smooth barrel shotguns. A ‘firearm’ is a ‘sawed-off shotgun’. Federal case law, Stat at Large. ($2.5) (under construction)

M1S-78 ‘File Upon Demand, File for Record‘ (When Refused) (under construction)

M1S-79 ‘Forma Pauperis‘ Example Forms that I use so that I never have to pay for anything in a US court, civil or criminal, proceeding brought against me. I have personally used it to save over ten thousand dollars in appeal fees. Never pay for another appeal, file copies, or court transcript, again. (5$)

<form action=”” method=”post” target=”_top”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”cmd” value=”_s-xclick”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”hosted_button_id” value=”3AS6M45ZJ7DNW”>
<input type=”image” src=”” border=”0″ name=”submit” alt=”PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!”>
<img alt=”” border=”0″ src=”” width=”1″ height=”1″>

M1S-80 ‘US Bank can not lend its credit! CASE /Opinion/Law.’ Case law used in a Federal case associated with banknote forensic report. (2.5$)  (I finally found these cases after looking for ten years.)

88. M1S-88. – ‘Credit Card Defenses‘, I have won every credit card case that I have been involved with, trained by Ed Shell, a law graduate, handled credit card cases for 20 plus years. You can prevail every-time by asking the right questions, subpoenaing the right witnesses, and all that with the proper timely objection to attorney offered evidence. I even have a national president that went to the highest court in the STATE OF NEBRASKA. Counsel time at 35$/hour.

99. M1S-99. – ‘MSO Retention’, new automobile purchase success, saved 5000$ on plating fees. (25$ – Special Order) (Click HERE to View Details.)

99.1 M1S-99.1 – Counsel fees [ ] must be prepaid.  On this same site in ‘GENERAL’ (top button on this page) PayPal Button you can put in the value of your purchases and then email me on exactly what you just ordered and they will be delivered promptly, generally the same day.

100,. M1S-100. Independent Jural Society Community Court (IJSCC), Example Template/Form Court Case Process. Common Law Court of Record, 12 jurors. No Charge.

Get 5, 10, or 100 people, and split the cost of counsel time we can then ‘all’ conference at the same time, you get 100 years of pooled experience. Each participant is sent an MP3 high-quality recording of each conference soon after.

Step 1 – For ease of ordering just pay at any working PayPal Button on my site [HERE] the recommended amount and then email me and specify what you wish to order and it will be sent, generally, the same day.

Step 2 – Once paid, email me and include the amount of time paid for, your contact number, date, and a time window (CST) of when it is best to talk.

Step 3 – I am on Central Daylight Savings Time (CDST).

Step 4 – I’ll generally make it work.

Step 5 – Note – I highly recommend – Tell me if you would like access to have our conversation recorded for your playback review in MP3. (To record we both call 213-992-5232 – Pin 00859 if prompted (Best on Chrome), this enables a recording you can get, or down load in MP3, off the Internet up to 30 days after the call.

-If it is for preparation of documents just pay and send email explaining what you wish to have done.

-It is best to send with the email a ½ page (max) chronology of your issues with why you believe you have a good case.

-No one is permitted to have a counseling time unless a payment is made, it is highly recommended clients first purchase, and preview the ‘Free Inhabitant One A’     [ ] 45 min. presentation for (5$).  Delivered by ‘Dropbox’.  Most all issues with the US courts can be removed with this knowledge.

150,000+ people read my site some months, and many seek information, so do understand the need for people to pay for my time, so-far all the people say that the money was very well spent, I could charge more but so many of my clients are on their last resources, and I pay no Federal or State taxes so the 35$/hour is workable for me.

Our goal should be-   to stop government intrusion upon the “free inhabitants” independence, and not in getting rich.

If communication begins by email “always” send same linked emails so that I/we have a chronology of communications in one email, extensive communication and sharing will incorporate a Dropbox account.  See also –

All PowerPoint presentations are sent by Dropbox, and some are also available by share web-sites if the client has difficulty with PPT compatibility.        <<  For Counseling fees and payment plans.

If making a payment just type in the desired payment amount in the PayPal payment box.

Notice – Once a person is a paid client I have the discretion to charge for reading and/or answering emails. This usually entails $1.00 fee at the minimum to read any email that is substantive, meaning just short mailings will not be charged.

 xx ((( Any order of products (not counsel time) of 100$ or more will receive 10$ (10%) of credit that can be applied to any additional materials from the list above. )))

  • CONTACT – PayPal is the easiest way to pay, or mail cash or money order, Payable to: Paul John Hansen, (NOTICE – as to mailing address it varies weekly due to the many times Hansen travels abroad for pleasure and for client needs. Click [HERE] for present day contact information.

[[ADMIN INFO ONLY > adding shortcode box instructions >

Comments Off on Lone Star Rally, Traffic Citations, how to beat, money back guarantee:

Galveston Police make a killing off citations written to visitors, without evidence of authority. 

[The below is information that government kills people for disseminating.] 

  1. Strike One – You live hundreds of miles away, 
  1. Strike Two – You are gainfully employed, 
  1. Strike Three – You do not have the time to fight a traffic citation, 
  1. They Win – Cities make millions off of leveraging the above, 
  1. The police fail to inform you that you have the right to trial immediately, and they generally lack the authority to cause you to return for the delayed, untimely, adjudication. 
  1. People that work for the police department basically never get ticketed, 
  1. Define scam – ____________________________________________, 
  1. Facts they hide from you – State of Texas Traffic Laws only have force and effect of law in land owned by the ‘state’. 
  1. Less than 2% of the land in most states is owned by the ‘state’. 
  1. City of Gaveston municipal code, traffic citations, only have force of law in land owned by the ‘city’. 
  1. Less than 2% of the land in most cities is owned by the ‘city’. 
  1. The citing officer, when formally challenged, must evidence that the land where he claimed you violated some law is owned by his employer. 
  1. They must evidence this in the official record, in written form (affidavit), before proceeding to arraignment, if formally challenged. 
  1. The highest court in the land is the People, and is the superior courts. 
  1. All US courts are administrative and are inferior courts. 
  1. All city, county, and state, traffic issues are administrative proceedings. 
  1. All officers, or city county and state agents, are personally commercially liable, if they act against the People under color of law. (Acting without written authority.) 
  1. All People acted upon, by any man acting under color of law, are subject to the Peoples court for damages, absent any state aid. 
  1. The People courts can operate by document submissions, and written arguments only. No reason to be physically present, and no reason to hire any attorney. 
  1. Pay 25$ and get access to true, lifetime, knowledge, worth over $10,000.00. 
  1. Money back guarantee.  
  1. Get the 25$-tool-bag to stop state sanctioned, bar attorney, highway robbery. 
  1. All the templates are created, just add your name, a few other bits of information, and submit it to the court for dismissal, as a matter of law. 
  1. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, one citation at a time. (Understand once again the 4th and 7th Amendment principals. along with ‘proprietary land ownership governing authority’.) 

Paul John Hansen,

451 Constellation Blvd, Apt 1006,

League City , Texas [ near 77573 ]

251.362.8231 (Cell & Text) 

Email us – ask for – gal/citation/package -25$. Easy pay by Venmo, Cash App, or PayPal.

P.S. – We have successfully implemented the above, many hundreds of times, saving our fellow Americans hundreds of thousands.

Traffic control is not always in the control of the city, county, or state, (or by those that are out of control) unless you are in their land, and you seldom are, even the interstates are not owned by the city, county, or state, or by the USA.

Comments Off on Court of Record, the Superior court, Common Law, ‘the People’s court, Template:
  1. How to exercise right of ‘one of the People’.
  2. How to utilize the local courthouse, magistrates, and sheriffs, to proceed with a common law proceeding, in your land jurisdiction.
  3. How to get a judgment that can not be challenged, or altered, by a US statutory court jurisdiction.
  4. How to be subject to a jury of 12 men, all being of your piers, independent of the aiding magistrate.
  5. How to counterclaim foreign jurisdiction court rulings.
  6. Study this template, then formulate your own ‘complaint’, under right of man, with aid from people that have done more than 300 actions.
  7. This package cost 25$, identified as MS-112. Click on ‘SERVICES/PRODUCTS. ………’ at top of this site.

Right to Travel, Step by Step how to hold it.

Posted: 7th August 2024 by admin in Travel Rights
Comments Off on Right to Travel, Step by Step how to hold it.
  1. This expounded product is soon to be available from
  2. Who
  3. What
  4. When
  5. Where
  6. How
  7. Why
  8. What to put on your car, as notice, or plates.
  9. Paul Severe Youtube.

View Post

Comments Off on How to Stop Filing IRS 1040s, and State Income Tax Forms, Step by Step:

We have clients that make one million dollars per day and file no federal or state, but they do follow our program to keep the liability for “billing” upon the federal (IRS), and state tax collectors. We never refuse, only challenge, with formal offer to pay. I, Paul John Hansen, lawyer, personally make 15 to 25K$ per month, at times, and never file, for the last 25 years with no problems, and do no hiding of my assets. See, and, for all our services, and aiding products.

  1. Ask the tax collector to formally present you with a formal tax bill, under penalties of perjury, in his own personal commercial liability.
  2. Send the demand by (certified (green card return) mailing with the appropriate affidavit.
  3. Have the same sent by us as a disinterested third party.
  4. Offer to pay upon receiving the formal, as a matter of law, signed bill.
  5. Do not ever self assess, and present our brief why it is a violation of law to demand an individual to self assess under penalties of perjury. They seldom prosecute if you do not file, they often prosecute if you do file.
  6. Peruse through the below and learn how to keep the burden on the tax collector, federal, or state, at all times.
  7. See –
  8. See –
  9. See –
  10. See –
  11. See –
  12. See –
  13. See –
  14. See –
  15. See –

Comments Off on United States “citizen” and United States “business” are synonymous, as a matter of written law.

15 U.S.C. § 4724 – U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 15. Commerce and Trade § 4724.


As used in this section–

(1) the term “United States business” means–

(A) a United States citizen;

(B) a corporation, partnership, or other association created under the laws of the United States or of any State (including the District of Columbia or any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States); or

(C) a foreign corporation, partnership, or other association, more than 95 percent of which is owned by persons described in subparagraphs (A) and (B); and

Comments Off on 501c3, How to Dissolve a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

How to Dissolve a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization, step by step.

Unlawful Arrest, Right to Resist

Posted: 16th March 2024 by admin in Arrest, Uncategorized
Comments Off on Unlawful Arrest, Right to Resist

“Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer’s life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306.

• “An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

• “When a person, being without fault, is in a place where he has a right to be, is violently assaulted, he may, without retreating, repel by force, and if, in the reasonable exercise of his right of self defense, his assailant is killed, he is justified.” Runyan v. State, 57 Ind. 80; Miller v. State, 74 Ind. 1.

• “These principles apply as well to an officer attempting to make an arrest, who abuses his authority and transcends the bounds thereof by the use of unnecessary force and violence, as they do to a private individual who unlawfully uses such force and violence.” Jones v. State, 26 Tex. App. I; Beaverts v. State, 4 Tex. App. 1 75; Skidmore v. State, 43 Tex. 93, 903.

• “An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and battery.” (State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260).

• “Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self- defense.” (State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100).

• “One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

Comments Off on Can the Democrats (Biden) Restrict Your Right to Bear Arms? (2nd Article/Amendment 1791 USA const.)

NO, they have no right to make any law, against any right, of the man of right, in American land.

But remember, you do not have rights in land that is given as trust to the United States for military use.

All acts of congress are limited by the US Constitution, which is a military document.

So the US Supreme Court is not entertaining your right of anything ever, they are only authorized as to your limited liberty and privilege, when in US owned land which is 25% of America, approximately.